The start of a new year is always a good time to de-clutter and reorganise your home or office. There are many reasons why people are increasingly using self-storage, and here are 10 reasons why.
1. You’re downsizing your home
Many families will find that they have to downsize in 2015. This may be due to vagaries in the housing market or for economic reasons. Unfortunately most people accumulate years of stuff that won’t be able to fit into their new homes – www.alligatorstorage.co.uk, among other companies, offers an easy remedy to this problem.
2. Expensive office rents
The cost of office rentals looks set to grow even more in 2015. Many offices will not want to waste their expensive square footage for storage, and so self-storage units provide an ideal solution for keeping legal documentation and other paperwork.
3. More people in the UK are self-employed
An article published in The Guardian revealed that sole traders are at the forefront of the UK’s business growth, with a staggering 200,000 setting up in 2013. Many of these entrepreneurial businesses need somewhere to store their tools, plant and other machinery.
4. Many hobbies require a lot of kit
Whether you’re an aspiring musician, or have invested in some bulky sports equipment for future use, many more of us are taking up hobbies in our leisure time. You can’t always keep your drum kit or weight machine at home, so a storage unit is ideal.
5. Ebay Trading will continue to grow in 2015
The economic downturn increased the popularity of Ebay trading. This trend is set to continue, but there’s often a problem about where to store your stock in a secure environment. The same problem also arises with market traders.
6. Freeing up space in the home
If you have a growing family, you’ll be well aware of the problems associated with stuff. You may want to consign all obsolete electronics to the nearest recycling centre, but find that your family has other ideas. An obvious answer is to put these goods in storage and review the situation at a later date.
7. Rentals can’t always accommodate your possessions
An increasing number of young people cannot get a foot on the housing ladder and have to rent a flat or shared house. This means that there is little space for personal possessions, including books and furniture.
8. Freedom of the roads brings storage problems in its wake
If you have a caravan or mobile home – and this trend is booming – you won’t want it to clutter up your driveway or garage. Security is also paramount, and will bring down the cost of your insurance.
9. Garden furniture always needs storage
With sales in garden furniture on the increase, according to the specialist publication Horticulture Week, a growing number of families will need somewhere to keep their tables, chairs and benches over winter.
10. Organise your home for 2015
After the excess of Christmas, you may well look around your cluttered home and despair. Use this moment to organise a good clear out and start the New Year on a positive and tidier note.
Kathryn Thompson