3 Things to Remember in Buying a Propane Tank

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In the recent past, the use of propane in homes has increased. Propane is a cheap energy alternative. The fact that it’s eco-friendly makes the deal even sweeter. Although, many homesteads prefer using the gas for outdoor grills. But, it can also be used for home heating, powering many household appliances, as well as, in your boiler. The growing demand for propane tanks has seen the amount of manufacturers increase. Each manufacturer has a unique service delivery. Thus, making it difficult for the homeowners to pick the best option.


Here are the top three things that you should remember when buying a propane tank.

1. Age

When it comes to shopping for a new propane tank, age is vital and should be considered. The use of propane has been there over the past 70 years. With time, the tank’s design has continued to change. It’s only when shopping for propane tanks that one is advised to go for the old tanks. You would ask why, and the answer is that they are safe.


Over the past few decades, the price of steel has increased. In return, the thickness of propane tanks has been reduced to save on cost. As a result, the tank’s safety factors continues to deteriorate. Many people still argue that old tanks are at risk. But, you should know that with proper maintenance, old is the same as new. Therefore, you must check to ensure that your old tank is in excellent condition before installing it in your house.

2. Board certification

Also, when buying a propane storage tank, you should consider the National Board Number. The number is usually stamped on the steel or the Data Plate. The number can be used to confirm on the U1A Data Report and which reveals the tank’s birth certificate, the material used, inspectors, dates, pressure test, certifications, manufacturer, and original openings among many other details.


Some of the states in the US ask for the paperwork while others don’t. Therefore, you must ensure that the National Board Number is there to be on the safe side. The tanks with a board certification have a higher resale value as compared to those that lack. Thus, you should never hesitate to confirm the number, especially if you consider selling the tank in the future.

3. Availability

Acquiring a propane tank is not a one-time event. It’s recurring. For example, after ordering a new tank, the manufacturers may take even a month to come up with a design of your choice. Therefore, it’s advisable to consider the time taken to manufacture your tank. If you require the tank urgently, go for suppliers that take the shortest time. But, if you don’t mind the time, you can go with any supplier.

Also, when buying the tank, you should consider the supplier’s availability in the times of a refill. It’s here that many individuals insist that they don’t know how to tell if home propane tank is empty. The tank’s gauge should be in a position to assist you. If the gauge reads 20 percent, it means you’re safe, but you should start booking for refills depending on how long your supplier takes to make the refills.

In the recent past, the use of propane at home has continued to increase. The gas is eco-friendly, safe, cost friendly and the best energy alternative. The high demand has seen the number of suppliers also grow and thus making it difficult for homeowners to pick the right supplier. In this article, there are three things that you should consider to narrow down your decision.

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