A housewarming gift should be personal and thoughtful. It should be something the recipient treasures forever or can make use of immediately and if you are struggling to come up with a great gift idea then here are seven to take inspiration from:
Personalised photo frame
Nothing makes a house a home quicker than photo frames filled with the faces of loved ones and memories of good times past. Personalised photo frames like the ones available from PhotoBox make great gifts, you can have the names of those in the house engraved on the frame itself and can then choose a fun photo to feature behind the glass, ready to be popped on the mantelpiece once opened.
A new home hamper
This gift is great for first time buyers, who might not know what they’re going to need to keep a house in good working order. Take a box or even a washing basket (that they can then use afterwards) and fill this with everything they might need – such as kitchen foil, air freshener, tea towels, scissors, a first aid kit and even spare toilet roll – so they don’t run out in the first week of essential items! Pinterest has some great new home hamper ideas to take inspiration from, check them out here.
A new home might need some DIY doing, but those moving in might not have the tools for the job. Put together a toolbox, featuring some of the essential tools they might need to put up photos on the walls, fix broken drawers or get rid of a squeak on an internal door. Fill it with a hammer, hacksaw, WD-40, a tub of nails, wood glue, tape measure… basically everything the basic DIYer might need.
Takeaway voucher
That first week unpacking and getting everything in order is going to be stressful with not much room for preparing food in the kitchen. So pick them up a voucher for their favourite takeaway restaurant that they can cash in when it all gets too much and need an enormous pizza at the end of the day.
Planning calendar
They’re going to need somewhere to keep track of all those birthdays and events throughout the year so pick them up a calendar that also features side notes for shopping lists, stickers for reminders and space to jot notes for the month. You can find printable PDFs online to download and get crafty with – simply print out your calendar and transfer this onto a piece of stiff card that can be hung on the wall. You could also pop some sticky notes along the side for shopping lists or reminders.
Select one of these thoughtful gifts and you’re sure to be invited round to dinner in the future as you present your friends/family with something they can cherish or enjoy straight away. Oh and don’t forget the card too!