Who doesn’t love having the chance to soak away the stresses of a day in a comfortable and stylish corner bathtub? There’s no wonder this design has been at the top of the popularity charts for the longest time, so if you are looking at buying one too here are five top tips on how to pick out the absolutely perfect corner tub for your bathroom.
#1 – What kind of material do you prefer for your bathtub?
If you have a bathroom floor which can take the weight there are some lovely cast iron corner bathtubs around. They are porcelain coated, so look great, and they will keep your bathtub water warm for much longer than the standard tub would. Cast iron bathtubs are also very durable, so it’s a long term investment really.
It’s common for corner bathtubs to be made from acrylic, which is basically a strong plastic coating a fiberglass shell. It can be tricky to handle day to day due to flexing without having proper support, and it is easily scratched too. Composite bathtubs are a better choice as any chipping doesn’t show up the same way and it has the added benefits of retaining heat well.
Steel (often known as enamelled steel) is a good compromise between the plastic tubs and the heavy cast iron option. It’s lighter, and it looks great for longer as the enamel protects the tub’s surface.
#2 – Decide what functions you really want
Some corner tubs have whirlpool abilities, while others are simply soakers. Note that not all tub materials lend themselves to all functions, so you may need to compromise.
#3 – Choose the right size
If you are lucky enough to have endless space to play with it can be tempting to choose a huge corner bathtub – just because you can! However, before buying be critical – can it be cleaned easily? Is it efficient regarding water use? Is there enough useful edge or deck space for beauty and hygiene products?
#4 – Consider different shapes
The world of corner bathtub design has come a long way in recent years, so there’s plenty of choice beyond what you may imagine. Ultimately this choice is about making the most of the space you have, but equally about finding a tub which appeals visually and is also practical.
#5 – Look at the small things
Where are the faucets positioned? Are they in an awkward spot for anyone getting in and out? Can you reach them comfortably to fill the tub? These things tend to be more problematic with five-sided corner bathtubs, but it can also be an issue raised by the way a particular style of tub would need to be positioned in your bathroom.
We believe these tips are useful for everyone considering adding a corner tub to a bathroom, regardless of budget, available space, or personal taste. It’s always worth taking a little time to get it right so you can enjoy many years of happy bathing in the future.