No matter the season or weather, taking care of your lawn should be one of your priorities if you want to boost your home’s curb appeal. Remember that it’s your front lawn that people see first when they pass by or visit your property. If you’re already spending more time, effort, and money on improving your estates, perhaps you might also want to consider working on your yard maintenance to make your property look more appealing.
Care Tips For Your Tree, Yard, And Lawn
Yard and lawn care are all about taking charge. You have to know what needs to be done regularly and how to handle the common tree, yard, and lawn problems. Whether you’re a first-time backyard owner or not, knowing how to care for your lawn and yard properly will take you one step closer to boosting the appeal of your property.
Here are some tips that’ll help you learn more about the tree, yard, and lawn care:
- Pruning Trees And Shrubs
Knowing the right time to prune trees and shrubs is essential in making sure that you’re not damaging them in any way. Disfigured or broken branches are common during the winter season because of the snow. By late winter, you should take the time to start your pruning routine. At the same time, you should also remove unwanted branches in the lower parts of your trees and shrubs.
If you don’t know exactly how to prune or trim trees, you can opt to hire the services of professionals like the Tree Menders of Toronto. They should also be able to give you helpful tips and information when it comes to trimming, cutting, and planting trees in your yard.
- Planting Around Trees
Should you plan on adding new plants to your lawn or garden, be careful not to damage existing tree roots on the soil. This is why it would help if you know more about the trees you have in your garden. For example, trees such as cypress and maple have roots just right beneath the surface. When planting near trees like these, be careful not to cut into the roots to severely damage the trees.
What you can do instead is use a hand trowel and then carefully scoop out just the right amount of soil to create the space you need for the new plants. If you run into some shallow roots, stop digging and find a different location for the plant.
- Going Easy On The Leaves
When leaves start piling around your lawn, it could be an unpleasant sight that could affect the kerb appeal of your home. However, that doesn’t mean that you should go all out in removing every single leaf on the ground. Keep in mind that leaf litter somehow helps in pollination and wildlife survival especially during the winter season.
What you could do is remove heavy piles of leaves as those would only attract decay and mould. You can either use a yard vacuum or a leaf blower to make the job easier and faster. If you have a compost pile in your garden, moving the piles to it instead will make them useful. Also, watch out for debris that may be scattered on the ground as that could affect soil cultivation in your lawn.
- Eliminating Weeds
Contrary to the way you should take care of all the fallen leaves in your yard, you should do the opposite when tackling invasive weeds. As soon as spring starts to kick in, you can start working on eliminating pesky weeds before they start strengthening their roots as that would make it even harder to pull them out.
If you have a large garden, using any regular or organic herbicide can make the job easier. Make sure to apply it evenly over your entire yard for it to effectively work. It would also help to avoid underwatering, overwatering, and mowing your lawn too short.
- Adding More Elements
Finally, when you’re done with your care and maintenance chores for your tree, yard, and lawn, you can start adding relaxing elements around your garden, or even just under your tree. When your garden is well-maintained and meticulously cared for, you’d be more inclined to decorate your space with some cool outdoor furniture pieces and turn the spot into a delightful space for enjoying afternoon tea.
You could pick a mature tree with adequate headspace under its branches if you need a perfect spot for a charming stone bench or a rustic hammock. You could also add a small coffee table if you wish.
Final Words
Knowing how to properly care for your tree, yard, and the lawn goes a long way when it comes to improving the curb appeal of your home. Not only that, it ensures that your investment won’t be wasted as your yard can serve its purpose better—to make your place look homey and appealing at the same time.