If any property is obviously vacant it can become a target for squatters, travellers or homeless people who may wish to break in and stay within the premises for as long as they can. As well as being distressing to find that people have entered your property without permission, it can become very frustrating when trying to remove them, so it is important that you should put in as many security features as possible to keep them away. Here are six key steps that you can follow to help ensure that your vacant property is secure.
#1 Get trespassers evicted as soon as possible
One of the major problems with having a vacant property – especially a larger site – is the potential for trespassers such as squatters and travellers breaking in and staying. Once a group has occupied a building it can be somewhat challenging to get them evicted. It’s not simply a case of calling the police and having them remove the trespassers; it may be necessary to get a court order.
The longer trespassers are left at a vacant property, the more likely they are to cause mess or damage, so this is something that you need to do as soon as possible. There are many businesses that specialise in traveller eviction; they prepare an eviction notice within 24 hours and then serving it to get the trespassers evicted as soon as possible.
#2 Let neighbours know
Clearly when a property is vacant it is more at risk from damage or squatting. So if you have any kind of property that is going to be empty, it is a good idea to speak to neighbours to let them know this is the case. This is important because it reminds them to be vigilant if they see anyone in or around the property and then can alert you or authorities.
You can only act quickly to resolve a problem if you are aware that there is a problem in the first place, so having your neighbours keep watch can be invaluable.
#3 Install security cameras
Of course not all properties have neighbours, and even if they do, those neighbours cannot be relied upon to watch out for you at all hours of the day. It is a good idea, then, to install security cameras or work with a company that can provide and monitor camera systems for you. Cameras additionally act as a deterrent to any criminal who sees them, so they can be doubly effective.
#4 Add lighting
Sometimes it can be the simple things that actually make a huge difference to your levels of security. Trespassers and thieves are always far more likely to operate somewhere where they think that they can’t be seen. If your vacant property doesn’t have any lighting around the outside it can look like an easy target. Adding lighting to a property is simple and very effective – you can very easily install motion sensor lighting which will do a remarkably good in scaring off potential criminals.
#5 Secure the windows
If you have a large commercial or industrial property that is going to be vacant for a significant period of time it is essential that you should do everything you can to secure the openings. The windows offer some of the clearest weak points for any potential criminal, so it is vital that you should either have these boarded up or otherwise secured to ensure that they cannot be easily broken into. It is also a good idea to check over these coverings regularly to ensure they have not been damaged.
#6 Install clear warning signs
Once again it is far better to deter criminals and trespassers from even attempting to break in to your vacant property. This means that as well as any security measures you install, it’s important that you should clearly sign that the security measures are in place. A large sign to inform anyone who might attempt to break into the premises that it is protected and that they will be removed immediately will be enough to make them move on to somewhere else.