All of us at one time or another struggle with sleeping a full night. There are many reasons why you may not be able to get enough sleep. Many may be surprised to learn that their inability to get a full night’s sleep may even be connected to the condition of their home. Simple changes in your home can make a huge difference in how well you sleep at night. Here are some practical tips that could help you to get that valuable shuteye when you need it.
1. Learn Your Body’s Circadian Rhythm
If you’re struggling to get to sleep or you can’t seem to stay asleep then it might be that you’re trying to sleep at the wrong time. We all have our own internal sleep-wake cycle or circadian rhythm that dictates when we need rest. To tap into it, you need to set up a good sleep routine. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. This will help the body to adjust to a consistent routine and help you to get good quality sleep when you need it.
2. Establish a Bedtime Routine
Before retiring for the night, have a set routine that will allow your body to start winding down and preparing for sleep. This will help your body to separate sleep time from the more active lifestyle you lead in the daytime. You can read a book, listen to music, or just settle into a nice conversation with your family. Avoid doing anything that will stimulate you and find a stress-relieving activity that will help to ease the stress and anxieties of the day.
3. Get Outside More in the Daytime
The more exposure you have to natural sunlight during the day can keep your circadian rhythm balanced. We all know that natural sunlight is a great way to infuse the body with energy, but it also helps improve the quality of sleep you have at night. Did you know that just two hours of exposure to bright sunlight a day, can increase sleep quality by as much as 80% and give you an additional two hours of sleep with it?
4. Create an Environment Conducive to Sleep
when it is time to get some quality shut-eye, overexposure to light can interfere with our well-needed rest. In today’s modern world, our homes are exposed to too much unnatural light, which can affect our circadian rhythm causing us to wake in the middle of the night and interrupting our precious sleep time. You should make sure that there is no light, especially the blue light from electronic devices. Consider putting black out curtains or darker shades on the walls.
5. Exercise More
The more exercise you do during the day the better your sleep will be at night. Exercise speeds up the metabolism, elevates the body temperature and infuses the body with cortisol. Avoid doing any vigorous exercise right before bedtime. Try to finish your exercise routine at least three hours before retiring for the night. You can do more relaxing and stress relieving exercises like yoga or stretching later in the day. These help to get the body to start shutting down so you can sleep better..
6. Make Sure You Have a Good Mattress
The quality of your bed may be what is interrupting your sleep. Having a good quality mattress and pillow can reduce your back and/or shoulder pain significantly. Good bedding enhances your sleep, so you not only sleep longer, but deeper too. It is recommended that you replace your mattress every nine to ten years. If your mattress is beyond that point, then it’s time to shop around for a good mattress for a good replacement.
7. Learn Self-Soothing To Help You Get Back To Sleep
If you do find that you wake up in the middle of the night, it helps to learn some self-soothing techniques so you can fall back to sleep quickly. Try not to dwell on negative things and focus on what’s happening in your body to help you relax. You can also try a few breathing exercises to ease the tension.
Sleep is not just a means of getting the body the rest it needs; it is a way to improve your health. If you’re concerned that you’re not getting an adequate amount of sleep, make it your priority. If none of these suggestions help, consider visiting your doctor for additional help. There may be an underlying cause that is interrupting your body’s ability to relax.