7 Ways Soft Furnishing Can Warm Up Your Neutral Space

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The verdict is in, and when it comes to design, neutral and monochromatic is definitely in! It’s easy to see why. White, grey and natural tones provide a clean, bright canvas to create all your design dreams with. How do you stop your gorgeous, clean lines, and open, uncluttered spaces from looking sterile and dull? That’s where soft furnishings come in. Accent pieces and soft touches can help you warm up your space with color, pattern, and texture. Follow these design tips for the ultimate cozy space!


Soften Up Your Space With Layers

For an uncluttered design, using neutral tones can keep your home feeling modern and stylish. But they can also leave you feeling cold. To avoid an overly monochromatic look, add some depth with texture. Whether it’s a soft woolen bath mat and plush towels in a sterile bathroom, a patterned rug and rich drapes to add some splash to a boring dining room, or finding just the right soft bedding to go with a warm rug and luxurious curtains, to make your bedroom into an oasis, mixing your textiles can really make a difference in your style and the mood you set in your space.


Add A Splash Of Color   

Whether we’re talking cushions, rugs, or blankets, accents are great for indulging in this season’s hottest colors and patterns. They’re usually easier and cheaper to replace than larger pieces, and mixing and matching can help you define your personal style, and give you space to experiment a little.


Don’t Overdo The Cushions   

Okay, it’s easy to overdo it a little when it comes to soft furnishings, especially when we’re talking about rugs or throw pillows. They’re small, inexpensive, and there are so many choices! But keep it to a minimum. If you’ve got a sectioned sofa, stick to one throw pillow per cushion. Having too many blankets and pillows in your space can leave it looking cluttered.


Use Area Rugs to Create Rooms in Open Spaces   

Open plan is all the rage with design, and it’s easy to see why. It’s practical, modern, and allows you to pull your whole home together much easier. To help create a flow, and a sense of “rooms” in the space, use larger area rugs. If you’re unsure what size area rugs you need, there are style guides available online. Always remember that two legs of your furniture should be on the area rug, to anchor the space.


Go With Leather For Longevity   

Switching upholstery on cushions varies in terms of how easy it is, and soft furnishings do have a tendency to stain. If your house is high traffic, or you’ve got kids in your life, a leather armchair or couch set trumps upholstered couches, which can look dated and old long before their time. By contrast, leather is always in style, and much easier to clean. And there are plenty of comfy leather armchairs to choose from that can be just as comfortable and inviting as a soft upholstered couch!


Add More Light With Lighter Curtains and Shades   

One of the reasons that white walls are a must, especially in Northern climates that don’t get much sun, is due to their ability to brighten up a space. You can capitalize on that by sticking to lighter-colored curtains that let in more light. Curtains made of light, breathable kinds of cotton or lace can be just as conducive to privacy, while still letting in the maximum amount of light. A patterned curtain is warmer and more romantic in a bedroom, than trendy blinds.


Use Fabrics That Are Easy To Clean   

Soft furnishings are definitely a good way to warm up, brighten, and personalize your space. But if you’re hesitant because you’re worried about spills and stains, there are some things to keep in mind.   

– Synthetic blended microfiber is stain resistant and comes in several textures and styles.    – As we’ve previously mentioned, leather is sturdy, and simple to wipe down in the case of spills   

Wool and wool blends are best for rugs and sofas   

– Cotton and Polypropolyne synthetics are both easy to clean materials used in rugs and curtains, which come in a variety of colors and styles.   

– When in doubt, using natural materials for rugs, such as seagrass or jute can give you an easy to clean floor mat that will not stain.


Whether you’re talking window dressing, bedding, decorative cushions, or a patterned rug, there’s no doubt that the right soft furnishings can give your design a needed sense of warmth and depth, as well as giving you a cozy space to relax in. Follow these design tips to let your soft furnishings give you the finishing touches to make your house into a home.


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