The value of your property is an extremely important factorin life, it is vital that you keep on top of things in this unstable housingmarket. With the lettings market hyper competitive you need to make sure thatyour property stands out and also you are building value to your building.
Many places such as The Lettings Shop have fantastic properties to rent with many upgrades to helpyou settle quickly into a great place.
Upgrade the Kitchen
If your budget only has room to cover one room, its a solididea to go for the kitchen. This does not necessarily mean a complete refit as thereare simple solutions such as painting units and replacing door handles. Studieshave shown that adding a new kitchen can improve your places valueby 5,000. The usual budget for a new kitchen is in the range of 10,000, thismay not give you a huge return on your investment but it will help the chancesof you selling.
Build an Extension
One of the best ways to ensure adding value to your buildingis to build an extension to your current property. Adding extra square footagemeans that you can use the new space for a bedroom, gymnasium or study. This isone of the best chances of adding profitable improvements to your home, butequally its very important to never lose a room which will devalue yourproperty. A recent survey has stated that adding a loft conversion can add upto 16,000 on average. You should also check out the house prices in the local paperto gauge how much an extra room will add to your selling price.
Loft Conversion
If youre looking for an extra bedroom and bathroom, thiscould be your best option, especially if space is an issue. It is not verydisruptive to the rest of your household either, as most of the work can becarried out from the outside. The most important thing is to have easy accessto the loft to quicken up the building time. Strengthening the floor joists isvital as the current construction will not be strong enough to carry theweight. Investing 20,000 on a loft conversion can add up to 45,000 to thevalue of your place.
Construct a conservatory
Adding a conservatory to your home is a great idea, as it isextending your familys living space. It is important that you chose yourconservatory carefully and that it matches the style of your home. You cancustomize the feel of the project by adding your own personal touches such asmatching flooring throughout and under floor heating. Building a conservatorycosts between 5,000 to 30,000 and can add around 9% to the value of yourhouse.
Focus on the Front Garden
Adding features to your garden can help with the letting ofyour property. People who live in the countryside will know how important yourgarden is to the appearance of your property. Maintaining flower beds canmassively help and create a good first impression. One of our favourite methodsis to create a more parking for the property, as many houses lack spaces. Thiswill involve planning permission and you will have to spend up to 20,000, but thiscould add twice that to your value especially in a urban area like London.