Amazing Backyard Landscaping Ideas

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Come springtime, the nature starts waking up, the days become longer and warmer and our need to spend as much time as possible outdoors increases tenfold. Now, while it certainly is true that it doesn’t matter where you spend time as long as you’re surrounded with good company, there is no reason not to spruce your surroundings up a bit and create a beautiful peaceful outdoor oasis you can enjoy spending time in with your family and friends.

Here, we’ll explore some of the latest and prettiest backyard landscaping ideas you are more than welcome to try and recreate in your yard. Check them out.

Prepare your backyard

Regardless of what you want to do with your backyard, you should first make sure you prep it for everything that is to come. So, first, make sure you declutter your yard. Get rid of all the junk you might have accumulated there, cut your grass, throw out dried out tree branches and plants and make a clean canvas for your future projects. Not only will it be much easier to work with an empty yard but this way, you’ll get the clear picture regarding the space you have to work with.

Map it out

Next, in order to make sure you stay on point, once you decide on all the elements you want to incorporate in your yard, you should map it out. This way, you will get the chance to see how much room each of the sections will take up before you actually start working on them, which will allow you to adjust your plans accordingly – if necessary.

Create a seating area

One of the favorite and most functional outdoor features is definitely a well-organized seating area. No matter if you decide to set it up on your back porch or you decide to dedicate a piece of your backyard to this area, make sure you carefully consider every element of it before you proceed with creating it. For example, see to it that you create opulent seating options and make them comfortable so that you have a cozy place to hang out at whenever you feel like it. Additionally, add a coffee table in the middle of the seating arrangement and you can even choose to include a coffee table with a fire pit in the middle so that you can enjoy spending time in your backyard even when the temperature is a bit on the lower side.

Outdoor kitchens are gaining in popularity

Outdoor kitchens are another backyard element you should definitely look into if you want to use your backyard to the max. The size and scope of your outdoor kitchen will depend on the size of your yard, so keep that in mind while planning it out. If you don’t have enough room to set up a full-blown outdoor kitchen, at least add a grilling station so that you can have some fun making a barbecue every now and then and enjoy it with your loved ones.

Cover the ground

Next, you should cover the ground in your backyard. If your backyard is already covered with grass, that’s great, but if not, you should consider various ground cover plants instead. Moss is one of the favorite options, but you can also go with Moss Rose, Lilyturf or Creeping Thyme to add some color as well. Furthermore, make sure you create some pathways in your backyard as well, so that you don’t have to step over your ground cover plants all the time. For instance, you can either make the paths out of gravel or natural stone, or you can pour them out of concrete instead. If you opt for the latter, do know that you can easily find and order decorative concrete online.

Add an element of surprise

For some extra pizzazz, you can even choose to include an element of surprise in your backyard. Now, depending on the size and type of your backyard, this can be virtually anything. For instance, if you have a lot of trees in your yard, you can choose to make a hammock chillout area where you can lay back and enjoy some shade during hot days. Alternatively, you can set up a yurt and enjoy it throughout the year, since they are far better insulated than tents but are not as permanent as a full-blown guesthouse. And the best part is that a yurt can easily work as a guest house or even a pool house, especially when the weather is nice.


As you can see, showing some love to your backyard and sprucing it up a bit is not that difficult. The most important thing is to decide what you wish to create, find the best way to do so and enjoy your new yard once it’s all set up.

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