Loft conversions are the latest trend to hit the interior design magnet and have been the most popular home improvement plan for some time now.
Why? According to landmark-lofts.com it is because it is a cheaper option that you moving home, it provides the space we all desperately need more of, and it is a solid investment that adds a wow factor to your home that future buyers are bound to respond to. Not to mention there are so many things that a loft can be used for.
Below are just a handful of ideas and some of the best designs lingering on the web that I could find:
The Upstairs Home
Has your eldest been forced to return home due to crippling unemployment, lack of money and the swift boots from university and loans to dawning real life and empty pockets? It can be a hard time for them and for you. After so long away it is easier for it to feel cramped and some toe –stepping is bound to occur. It is why some loft conversions have become so popular. You can get your piece, and they get their own home within your home.
Bedroom and bathroom here, though there are many designs out there that while not so grandiose can incorporate an open plan living space to give your lodger bathroom, bedroom, living space and small kitchen in one – possibly ensuring that you will see them as little now as you did when they lived in another city!
The Kid’s Bedroom
SPACE! The elusive idea we all push and push for, the invisible word on our lips that will have us stockpiling the under stairs cupboard and climbing on top one another so we can breathe. IN this loft conversion clever design has transformed their clutter dump into delightful 3 bed space for all the kids to run off and explore!
The Office
Who said work had to be boring, give yourself a break, put the office away from the home and break up your routine, then use the extra space to make it somewhere you can feel inspired, so those extra hours you put in outside of the office don’t have to be filled with the same tedium.
The Escape
Got the views? Then plan your escape in the stars. This French cottage style is perfect if you aren’t quite so on board with minimalism and want your loft to feel cosy.
Could you imagine if this was your place to unwind after a hard day’s work?
Now these two designs are a little less practical, but why not dream?
The heated indoor pool
Who wouldn’t want this? Designed by http://www.modernattics.com/ this loft conversion holds a bedroom and open plan space that makes a morning swim perfectly easy, then rest of the space in the loft was even used to fit a hot tub!
The walk in wardrobe
All your problems are solved…. This luxurious loft conversion is the perfect answer for the shopping obsessed, the fashion designer or for the partners sick of having no home left because pieces of material cover every inch of it!
Now whether you are aiming for the grandiose or the practical, a loft conversion can be the solution to many problems and wants you may have. However, there are some things to consider before getting started.
You have to think about cost – insulation, strengthening of floors and ceilings can all add up, and this isn’t considering construction fees or decorating. This article gives a really comprehensive guide to loft conversion prices and is well worth a look if you want to get a sense of what your options are and the costs associated with each. Next are the restriction –make sure you have read up on your residential areas allowance for space, not all loft conversions will require planning permission but there will be strict regulations in place you must adhere to.
You must also consider the layout of your house – what things already lie in the attic? Your plans will need to fit around this.
Also Bats! They are an endangered species you cannot just call pest control so you will need to check this out before making any plans.
So make sure you are kitted out before beginning your plans, but after that it’s up, up and away!
by Lauren Knight