When it comes to being a pool owner, there are a few things you ought to know or at least have some basic knowledge of. You’ve done your research on the perfect pool liner and safety pool cover, now what about the chemicals that go into making sure your pool stays beautiful? We have all been in pools at some point in our lives and are at least familiar with chlorine. It gets in our eyes and it helps keep our pools clean, but how exactly does chlorine work?
Chemistry may not be your forte, but you will surely impress your family and friends by being able to explain to them how chlorine works. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to know why you do the things you do when it comes to the care of your pool. The element that destroys bacteria and keeps your pool from being infested with algae is called Hypochlorous acid. This is the chemical element we test for when checking chlorine levels in pools. Some other common pool chemicals are sodium hypochlorite, which comes in liquid form. Other chemicals come in either a table or granular form such as Tri-chlor, Di-chlor, calcium hypochlorite, and lithium hypochlorite. All of these pool chemicals contain chlorine or, the actual element that cleans your pool, hypochlorous acid.
Aside from these chemicals, your pool requires an additional stabilizer in order to prevent the sunlight from evaporating the chlorine from your pool water. A commonly used stabilizer is called cyanuric acid. When this element is combined with tri-chlor or di-chlor, the result is stabilized chlorine. You have to be careful when it comes to introducing additional chemicals to your pool because if you add too much, you can end up with a problem. Too much of anything is never a good thing, especially when it comes to the chemicals in your pool. If you do end up with too much chlorine or stabilizer in your pool, you can fix the issue by draining some of the water and then adding new clean water to the mix. After you do that, you will have to go through the process of balancing the chemicals in your pool once more.
Now that you have enough knowledge to discuss pool chemicals at your next get together with friends, its time to enjoy your pool! One more sure-fire way to wow your friends and family is to upgrade your pool with a LOOP-LOC luxury pool liner. With over 30 stunning designs to choose from, there is a liner for every style and taste.