When you are headed towards college, one of the most important things to consider is whether you will be living in the university dorm or if renting an apartment is feasible for you. Both of them have their own set of pros and cons that you may want to consider before making your choice. Most universities offer dormitories for students, which can be quite an adjustment if you’ve been living in your room during high school. But this also means that you’ll have lesser responsibilities. In the end, it all comes down to your priorities and how you wish to live while pursuing your academic course. Housing for students is an important issue that can shape how the next three to four years of your life on campus will turn out.
While accommodation is essential, the main reason you are there is to gain your education. College is an important institution that prepares scholars for what their future beholds. However, it isn’t easy to get into the university of your choice. You may be asked to write an essay reflecting on your life purpose to be accepted as a student. As such, it is best to check out all available resources for your essay on life issues to present a stellar paper. It’s always a good idea to read papers examples about life first to gain as much insight into what universities are looking at. Once you get into the college of your choice, there are several choices of apartments available for you. It can be easy to get blown away by the options available and choose the one that easily lures you in. However, there are several things to keep in mind before you sign the lease. Here are some tips that real-life students have experienced themselves that can help new scholars find the apartment of their dreams.
1. Calculate the budget:
While in university, it can be easy to get derailed with the budget. As a rule, college students have to make do with a limited budget since most of their time is spent at campus premises brushing up on their course. Rent shouldn’t be one of your biggest expenses as you must also account for other costs such as your college fees, food, utilities, laundry, and internet services. Typically, your rent should not be more than 30% of your monthly income. Some scholars are forced to take out a bigger loan just to make their rent! To avoid this, make sure to have a solid assessment of how much you will be paying each month to assess whether or not you can afford the apartment truly.
2. Pet-friendly apartments:
Getting a pet while enrolled in university may not be such a good idea. But pets are known to be great stress relievers, which is why some scholars have small pets. While having pets has several advantages, you may be pressed to find an apartment that allows pets. The ones that do allow them are generally more expensive than the ones that don’t. If you don’t have pets, it is best to look for apartments that don’t allow them as they are generally cheaper.
3. Location of the apartment:
You may be able to find an apartment that meets your budget criteria, but if it is too far from your college expenses, you spend way too much commuting to and from your housing. Not only will you be wasting your time that could be well-utilized elsewhere, but you will also be piling up your transportation costs. This is one of the most important factors to consider while getting your accommodation. It is best to ensure that your living facilities are not too far off from the campus and that you don’t waste your time on transportation.
4. Lease options:
Most renters ask their rentees to sign a twelve-month lease. This can be particularly beneficial to students who are currently taking summer classes as it can be more advantageous to have a year-long housing option. However, if the scholar plans to be elsewhere during the summer months, it can be quite problematic as they will have to keep paying the rent even though they aren’t there. This is one of the factors that you must consider before settling on off-campus housing.
Living by yourself or roommates in an apartment is a whole new experience that can teach individuals about self-discipline and money-management. However, before getting an apartment, it is best to ask around and find one that suits your lifestyle and budget needs.