Sleep good, feel good, isn’t that what they say? However, getting enough shut-eye isn’t always easy. Your bedroom can make a big difference to the quality of your sleep. If you want to change your sleeping sanctuary, you’re in the right place. Here are some simple, budget-friendly ways to design your bedroom for a better night’s sleep.
- Choose sleepy colours
The colours you choose to bring into your room can significantly impact your mood and, of course, your sleep. Use lighter shades like pale blue, white or cream for your walls to maximise relaxation. They can create a calm, peaceful atmosphere. Add a splash of brighter colours with less permanent, smaller features like rugs and books. Take note of any rooms and places you find relaxing and help you unwind when visiting friend’s houses or on trips away. The colours associated with these places are good inspiration for your room. Creating a soothing bedroom will set you up for drifting off for deep, restorative rest.
- Invest in an awesome duvet.
What you wrap yourself up in at night deserves some attention. The right duvet can keep you cool, cosy and comfortable from lights out till morning. Many of us struggle with overheating, so choosing natural materials like bamboo can help. The super soft fabric is temperature intuitive, reacting to your body temperature to keep you cool through the summer and cosy all winter. The benefits don’t stop there, bamboo is naturally moisture-wicking, anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic so ideal for allergy sufferers. It’s worth taking some time to shop around to find the best bamboo duvet; after all, there is no more significant investment than a good night’s sleep.
- Shut out the light
Sleep experts recommend keeping your bedroom as dark as possible to drift off. While an eye mask can do the trick, other ways exist to shut out the light. Black-out blinds, as are our thick curtains, are an excellent option for your bedroom. There are many options for colours and designs, so choose an aesthetic that suits your style and compliments your existing décor. Electric blinds even allow you to set a timer to control your sleep/ wake cycle, choosing when you let the light back in the morning. Whether you go for curtains or blinds, sticking to a good bedtime routine is also essential to ensure you wake up feeling revitalised and refreshed.
- Get bedtime comfortable
A bed you love is necessary for rest, so now is a perfect time to get set up. Let’s start with your mattress; you want this to be firm enough to be supportive and soft enough to be comfortable. While everyone has different preferences regarding a mattress, one thing most agree on is that a mattress topper can work wonders. If you are not ready to change your mattress, adding a topper is a simple, cost-effective way to get things comfortable. Next up is your bedding; the right materials are crucial for quality rest. Stick to natural, breathable fibres that are gentle and cooling on your skin. It’s also good to pop them in the was regularly; we all know there is nothing better than freshly washed sheets. With a little effort and the proper set-up, bedtime will soon become the best part of the day.
- Keep it cool
Setting your thermostat at bedtime ‘o clock will set you up for a better night’s rest and save on the heating bills. Your body temperature decreases during sleep, and a cool, dark room promotes melatonin production, which will help you drift off and stay asleep. While cool, breathable bedding can help, you might want to go further. A small fan is a great addition to help keep you cool in the summer months; shop around to find one that is not too noisy. Around 18 degrees is the recommended temperature when it comes to bedtime. You may want to also keep a window open in summer, as when it comes to a good night’s sleep, it’s best to keep things cool.
Your bedroom plays a vital role in keeping you happy and healthy so it is worth taking the time to make it feel as comfortable as possible. Be sure to add your personal touches. The more effort you put into getting it right, the more you look forward to relaxing and enjoying the space. Whatever they may look like, make the adjustments you need to create the perfect sanctuary to rest your body and mind and wake up rejuvenated. As we all know, there is no greater magic than a good night’s sleep.
Sweet Dreams.