Every year, the average homeowner spends nearly £2,000 on home maintenance and repairs. Though the types of repairs vary from home to home, most homeowners end up spending a good amount of that money on boiler maintenance.
You rely on your home’s heating and cooling system to keep your house comfortable year-round. With so much use, it’s normal for the system to need regular care and upkeep, but you will need to replace your system in its entirety.
If you’re like most homeowners, you’re wondering how to tell when it’s time to install a new boiler or if you can squeak by with a few more repairs. Here’s what you need to consider when making your decision.
Think About How Often It Turns on
As your heating and cooling system gets older, it will have to work harder to keep your home comfortable throughout the day. This means it will turn on more often and may run longer than it used to just to maintain your preferred temperature.
If the difference is minor or you only hear the system turn on a little more often, you’ll likely be fine getting the unit repaired. Once your technician tunes the system up, the unit should work like normal.
However, if the unit keeps turning on and has to run for hours to keep up with your thermostat, you may need a new boiler. Once the new boiler unit is in place, you’ll see an immediate decrease in how often it has to turn on and how long it needs to run.
Pay Attention to the Noises It Makes
When your heating and cooling system is in good shape, you’ll still hear some noise every time it turns on. However, those noises should stay fairly consistent.
If you start hearing things that sound out of the ordinary or can tell the system is having trouble running through cycles, call your boiler technician immediately. It’s possible that a simple repair will get rid of those abnormal noises.
They’ll be able to inspect the unit to find what’s causing the system to act up. If they notice minor repair issues, they’ll be able to make the necessary adjustments. However, if the damage is extreme, they may recommend that you replace the system with a new model.
Listen to your technician’s guidance. If they can fix it, they will, but if the repair won’t last or it will cost you more in the long run, replacing your boiler will always be a better choice.
Note How Many Repairs It Gets Each Year
It’s normal for heating systems to need repairs on a regular basis. However, that doesn’t mean that you should be calling once a month to address repair issues that keep popping up.
If you find that your unit keeps breaking and needs frequent repairs, you may be better off replacing it with a new unit. If you’re only scheduling regular maintenance appointments or the occasional repair appointment, your current unit will likely last for a few more years at least.
Keep paying attention to the frequency of your repair appointments over the years. When they start to increase, discuss your options with your boiler technician. They’ll be able to help you decide if a full replacement is in your best interest and even get a free boiler quote.
Consider Your System’s Age
No matter how well you maintain your home’s heating and cooling system, it will start to break down. If you’re trying to decide if it’s time to schedule a full replacement, think about the age of your system.
If it’s more than 15 years old, the cost of repairs will likely only increase. Worse, the unit will need repairs more frequently for it to keep working at all.
Newer units that haven’t seen the same amount of use often just need repairs, even if the problems seem extreme.
Think About Your Maintenance Plan
Every heating and cooling system needs regular maintenance to work efficiently. If you’ve taken care to maintain your unit and scheduled regular tune-ups, your boiler may not need replacing for years to come.
However, if you’ve neglected regular maintenance appointments or bought a house with a furnace and air conditioner pre-installed, replacing the unit may be a better option.
Without routine maintenance, your heating and cooling system may have serious underlying issues that could cause it to break down when you least expect it. The last thing anyone wants to deal with is a catastrophic failure of your air conditioner during the heat of the summer!
Look at Your Home’s Energy Bills
Believe it or not, your home’s energy bills can be a good indicator of whether you should replace or repair your boiler. When the unit is working well, your energy bills will stay fairly consistent. If there are any increases, you’ll be able to justify them based on how often your boiler turns on.
If you haven’t increased your usage or dealt with extreme weather changes and see a dramatic increase in your home’s utility bills, you may need a new system.
As boilers age, they become less efficient. This means they’ll need more energy to heat or cool your home to your desired temperature. The older your system gets, the more it will cost to operate.
Replacing your unit will help cut down on your monthly utility bills and can end up saving you money in the long-run.
Should You Get a New Boiler Installed?
Deciding whether you want to repair or replace your boiler up to you. Think about the condition of your current heating and cooling system.
If the system works and only needs the occasional repair, it may be worth keeping your old unit. However, if it keeps breaking down or your utility bills keep going up, installing a new boiler could be your best option.
Just make sure you get the new system installed by an experienced professional. They’ll install everything correctly so your furnace and air conditioner can run as efficiently as possible.
For more information on how to best maintain and care for your home, check out our latest posts.
ref THSI-1740 / THSI-1890 |THSI-2527 / ZD 22792