If you are in the market to get a loan for a high ticket items such as a home or a vehicle you no doubt have pulled up your credit report recently in order to see how you stand against your peers. It may be that you have had bad payment history in the past or had other negative marks that affect your score and you are now looking to improve this in order to obtain the loan that you would like to obtain. In your search you may have noticed that there are several companies offering credit repair services. The question we will ask yourselves today is what can he services truly do for you and are day beneficial to you.
There are many varieties of credit repair companies and they are certainly not all build the same. Some of them will make claims that they are able to somehow go into your report directly and remove items even if the items are genuinely on your report. Although it is possible to have some items removed from your report based on the dispute process even if the items should not be removed. There is no guarantee of this will function in this way and promises to do so are false.
However there are other mechanisms in place to repair your credit directly and indirectly by first disputing all items on your report which are in fact not genuine, and then following through by a giving you strategies and advice on how to best utilize your credit in the future in order to have a positive impact on your overall credit report for example paying a certain number of payments for loan in order to get full points on your score more than six months equals two blocks of points which will improve your score slightly more than five months or less, etc.