Somewhere between getting married, getting divorced, going through child birth and funerals, moving home, believe it or not, is said to be one of the most stressful things in life. It does share one characteristic with childbirth in that people seem to forget just how awful it can be very quickly once they see their new home and are more or less unpacked.
Moving is a tricky process first and foremost because trying to pack and shift every single thing you have managed to accumulate throughout your life is a monumental task, especially where you are lucky enough to have built up treasured possessions.
You do not want anything to break, get lost, accidentally thrown away or packed incorrectly in the wrong box. You may also have to organise storage space if your new pad is a little smaller than your current castle. If so there is a plethora of storage companies out there like http://www.readysteadystore.com that offer rentable spaces.
The paperwork for your new place, changing your address, moving your phone line, internet, bills, utilities and family all has to take place around the normal day-to-day trials and tribulations of life. Hence without appropriate organisation it can descend from stressful to nightmare status in no time.
What can I do to avoid a moving meltdown?
According to the more popular contributions from the bloggersphere giving yourself time is key. Similarly to an ordinary work task, you could complete the job at a million miles a minute but it will more than likely produce below par results. Start slowly by packing well ahead of time. There will be plenty of things you won’t need in the weeks leading up to the big moving day. To avoid your boss calling you whilst you’re coordinating the strategic unloading of a fridge or kingsized mattress you could also do a little out of office preparation at work.
If you can afford it invest in proper moving boxes too. The student solution of begging thin product boxes from bars and supermarkets makes for awkward packing and unsafe transit as the cardboard quality is likely to be low and already worn. For softer items such as duvets, sheets, clothes, winter coats and pillows try and pick up some tartan, hard-wearing zipped laundry bags. This will save you box space.
If you are using a team of movers then lend a hand and save yourself a lot of effort later on by clearly labelling each box as well as each room in your new place. This way most of your stuff should end up in the right room to begin with.
Another way of saving box space is to have a serious clear out while the going is good and really get ahead before moving day. Try and be ruthless with yourself. If you forgot you had it, haven’t seen or worn it in years, or if it is broken, do not bother carting it from house to house thinking you’ll sort it out one day. It is known for being especially cathartic when it is done correctly, so follow these little tidbits and you should end up pulling very little hair out during your move.