From bungee jumping to white water rafting, extreme sports are the reserve of the adrenaline junkies and those in search of excitement. A new way to get a rush is emerging within the property industry. Imagine the thrill! As an interested house buyer you are bored of trawling through endless Georgian town-houses that you cant afford, and run down apartments that you don’t want to live in. Is it not time to be excited by buying a house again?
Imagine yourself as you head off to yet another viewing of the same typical 3 bed properties that you have been viewing non-stop for months already. What could a seller do to break the cycle of boring and identical offerings? Step up Extreme House Selling, where sellers become proactive about selling their homes and embark on extreme marketing endeavours to clinch a sale. Sellers are now offering up not just their homes to prospective buyers, but their cars, boats, lifestyles (a man actually sells his lifestyle) and even pets.
As a little old lady all you want is to downsize. The garden is much too large to manage and the vegetable patch is looking less fresh than the vegetables at a supermarket. But you love the house so much that reducing the asking price just isn’t an option. So you’ve waited it out. Cold winters have gone by sitting at the window waiting for that buyer to show up and offer your dream price.
One night, by the fire watching Midsommer Murders, an advert appears; “Sell your home at the price you want by adding your ride-on lawnmower, Extreme Property Sales”. Could this be the trick to selling your home at the price you want to achieve?
The point here is to make your home stand out in a buyers market and offer up whatever you can to gain some much needed coverage and exposure for your home.
Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/rachelnyssen/window-views/
This new dangerous game of extreme property sales is sweeping the nation, with addicts seeking help from trained professionals. But with little that can be done, more and more amazing deals are popping up so fast it is becoming hard to enforce cold turkey. So why would you give away your new speedboat or cat (this family gave their cat away with the house!) to a stranger?! Some people are really struggling in this buyers market. Many have waited years and so have turned to a Carphone-Warehouse style give away to incentivise interested parties.
An industry expert – Nick Marr – informed interested listeners that extreme house sellers should, “Consider what else you can do to get your house in front of as many people as possible whilst offering added value. Pricing is still one of the most important factors and you must make sure you are beating the competition with your proposal”. A PR stunt to sell your house may seem ‘extreme’, but in a tumultuous property market anything that provides your house with mass coverage is a positive. Just don’t sell your mum with the house!
By Thomas Samuel