For prospective university students here in the UK there is often a lot of attention and focus that goes into picking that “right” school. Clearly students want to know that they are making a solid step in the right direction that will help set them up for a successful career path. For many students, attending university means moving away from home, which also means they need to find student accommodation. This is an area that doesn’t always get as much attention, but in reality, the accommodation that you pick can have a big impact on how successful you are in the school year.
To help narrow down the choices and make your decision clearer, we’ve compiled a list of five key essentials that you’ll want to look for when it comes to student accommodation.
Do You Have Enough Privacy to Study and Get Your Work Done?
No matter what school you attend or what program you are enrolled in, homework, reading and assignments are part of the package. What this means is that you need student accommodation that gives you the privacy you need to focus and get your work done. This means a place that is free of distractions and offers peace and quiet when needed.
Close Proximity to Campus
Another key feature is to look for accommodation that is close to your campus. The last thing you want to deal with is a long commute to and from the campus, especially when you’re rushing to make your class on time. Take for example Collegiate who offer a range of luxurious student accommodation in Birmingham, which is home to five different universities. With companies like this one, you’ll be able to choose centrally located accommodation that gets you to your campus in as short a time as a few minutes.
Not only does this save you time in getting to school, it also saves you money on commuting expenses.
Close Proximity to Dining and Shopping
Also, you want to be sure that your accommodation is within close proximity to such things as dining, shopping, supermarkets and laundry services if it’s not included in your accommodation.
Security and Safety Should be a Priority
Unfortunately it’s not uncommon for student accommodation to be located in areas that are known to be high in crime. This helps to keep the prices down and fit within a student’s tight budget. While this may not seem like a big deal, the last thing you want to worry about is your security and safety. Try to pick an area that is safe and then practice safe habits such as closing and locking windows and doors when you leave or go to bed, and keeping doors locked even when you are at home.
Stick to the Budget
The final tip is to make sure you pick accommodation that works with your budget. As a busy university student, you’ll have enough stress on your mind, so you don’t need to be worrying about how you will afford your rent.
The Perfect Accommodations for You
Using these tips and advice will help ensure that you pick the perfect student accommodation for you and your needs.