If you’re anything like me (a big kid who solidly refuses to grow up and accept adulthood in its entirety) you may be staring down the endless struggle of how to decorate your house without creating some kind of horrifying fantasy land that leaves anyone who comes to stay either confused or a little frightened. Fear not my fellow nerds, as the internet has the answer (when doesn’t it?) and I’ll be your walk-through guide.
In this four part article series I want to show you how you can turn your home from geek to chic, by getting creative and putting a little more, but not too much, adult style into the mix, without losing out on those nerdy little things you know and love.
To complete this series, there will be four stages you must pass to continue and turn your home into the fantastical haven that you’ve always wanted it to be.
Level One – The Bedroom
Level Two – The Lounge
Level Three – The Kitchen
Level Four – The Bathroom
In saying that however, we’ll start with a bonus round or a warm up if you will.
Bonus Round – The Office
Now I’ve been pouring over the internet looking for goodies that I just know will get the heart of any nerd enthusiast pumping and here are just a few of the things I’ve found. For now, we’re focusing on the office – for some the very control centre of the home… after all it does contain a computer!
1. The Tetris Lamp
image source: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/f034/
Having found a few of these about the place, whether a DIY home invention or purchase with hard earned gold, these are just great! And for a person who has spent a large proportion of their early years playing Tetris for hours on end (I really did), something that I just couldn’t resist including.
2. Portal Book Ends
image source: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e9cc/
Perfect for that sophisticated and stylish gamer boy or girl that loves a good read too!
3. Nintendo Themed Desks
image source: http://www.incrediblethings.com/home/functional-nintendo-controller-coffee-table/
For those of us who have to grow up and actually need a desk to do real work on (got to pay those bills somehow!), but who really, really don’t want to let go of those awesome times we had playing Pokemon on our GameBoys. This one’s for you.
4. Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones Letter Openers
image source: http://reddotdiva.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/war-is-coming-to-asia-game-of-thrones.html
I am quite ashamed of the noise I made when discovering these little beauties for the first time. After all, the books are where it all started! These truly magical letter openers can let you perform that daily office chore of opening letters with all the strength and vigour of a King of the North or brave little Hobbit. Awesome!
Sophie Lockhart