So you’ve made it this far after having fought your way out of your study and through the treacherous landscape of your bedroom, you have arrived at Level Two – The Living Room (You can check out the rest of the ‘Geek to Chic’ series so far at the end of this article).
Now, with the Living Room, unlike your bedroom, visitors come in here quite often, so a level of self-restraint will need to be observed. That being said however, there are a number of pretty damn geeky things you can do, whilst meeting all the requirements of style and class you’ll need to not scare off the company!
One of the first things that got me thinking about this article series was the sheer number of fan posters, from Batman to The Walking Dead that are substituting themselves as wallpaper in my house. So it got me thinking, what can I do to: A) stop my walls being covered with blu-tack stains and cellotape marks? and B) keep the posters that I love and spent my hard earned cash upon purchasing.
It was only when I went round to friends that the idea came to me, so here’s tip one:
1. Frame your posters!

I love cushions and although this idea may be a little biased towards my kind of tastes, it is nevertheless still a very valid one. If, after all, any of your houses are in fact rather like mine you’ll be fighting over the pillows on your sofas like you’re waging war on each other (no joke!) and therefore what better way to incorporate your love of all geekery, than with a novelty style cushion.
Whether it’s the icon of your favourite browser or the face of your favourite anime character, make it into a cushion and it will automatically become a source of comfort and affection in any household and it may even stop the fights, if only for a little while.

Now for what I feel is one of the most essential items on any true nerd lovers list, the humble bookcase. No matter whether it’s graphic novels, original star wars figurines or perhaps the odd work of fiction (who would of thought it?), the bookcase is the perfect place to store and display all those things you love, without looking like an out of control hoarder.
So I searched high and low and found these wonderful bookcases, and from one girl whose bookcase is suspiciously bending to all of you book-loving geeks out there, these are for you!
image source 1, 2 and 3: Pinterest