Have you finally chosen an auspicious date to move to your new home? If yes, then you are probably busy preparing for this “moving day.”
For first-time home buyers, moving to your new home might also be challenging for you and your family. Why? Well, it is the first time that you will be moving to a new place – to add that you need to organize things to make things in order, welcoming the “home sweet home” vibe. Moving things from your previous residence to another is never easy. There are also times that you might be forgetting things from your previous place or you forgot to send first the important things that you will highly need when you start moving your things there.
Is there any way that you can do to ensure that you won’t be forgetting something and make things easier? Well, yes, there is, and these are the following:
Prepare Your Things at The Earliest Time Possible
When you are moving to a new home, it is best to pack all the things that will be transferred at the earliest time possible. As much as possible, avoid doing any last-minute changes. Unless you needed to pack your entire house, you might actually need to organize things between four to eight weeks. It would also help if you created a checklist of all the things that you need to organize and other tasks related to the transfer.
Donate, Donate and Donate
The best part of decluttering your home is realizing that you have kept a lot of unwanted stuff in your home. Unless you are saving them for other reasons, you still pack them up on boxes and label them. Or it would be better to donate this stuff instead of just throwing it away. By doing so, you did not just get rid of that stuff, but you also get a chance to help and make others happy.
Pack Your Things in Advance
Just like what we have mentioned in the first tip, it is always better to prepare and organize things in advance. Packing up all things inside the house can be challenging as it might be a little bit topsy-turvy. But if you will remain to be organized the moment you start packing, this will ensure that you will be able to finish packing up things fast and secure. Also, if you start packing in advance, you will be able to know if you will still need more tape, boxes in different sizes, sticker labels, bubble wrap, old newspapers, and even coloured markers.
Select the Best Van
If your new home is just a short distance away from your previous place, then it is better to get just a van. Choose the suitable size of the van that will help you make the most of the trip – bi enough to carry all of your things and just the exact for easy manoeuvre. Make sure that you know the weight capacity of this van to make sure you are not overloading the vehicle. You know, instead of making things fast, it might even cause another problem for you to get stressed about.
Don’t Forget to Pack Your Own “Essentials Bag”
Even if you are just moving to a new home just several blocks away from your old place, you should still pack for all your essentials. These items will help you function the following day or weeks until you have finally arranged all your things in your home. Some of the essential items that you should pack are snacks, phone chargers, toiletries, and clothes. You might also want to include even a toilet roll for emergency situations. It will be better if you will be able to pack it in a clear plastic box or even in a rucksack for easy access. This will be great, especially at times that your house is still filled with boxes.
Notify Contacts About Your New Address
Aside from family and friends, it is important that you notify companies and other utilities that will help you set up in your new place. Make sure to have a list of them with a contact number and notify them about your new address and the date that you will be moving to that place. For instance, you might want to notify your internet installation service provider to know about a new address and ask for a reconnection. You might also want to include in the list of contacts of the post office for arrangements in forwarding mails to your new address.
Make It Enjoyable for The Kids
Kids are known to have a short span of attention, which means they might find the “moving day” to a “boring day.” If they are bored, there are chances that you will not be able to focus on moving and arranging things in your new place. At times like this, you should already be prepared for something that will keep them entertained. You can let them build forts out of the cardboard boxes or have your kids play their favourite board games and others. So, you get to keep them entertained while allowing you to focus on finishing moving and arranging things inside the house.
Hire Professional Movers
Another best option that will indeed make moving to your new home easier is by hiring professionals. From packing up things to moving them to your new home, they are efficient in this field. They will help you even to reassemble and move heavy furniture in the right place. Hiring them, you will not need to rent a van or truck to move your things. It is because they simply have the truck, the manpower, and the skill to make the moving day the best day ever! Hiring professionals is recommended if you are moving into a house/condo that is luxurious for instance, The M Condo, it will give you peace of mind from accidental property damage while moving to your new expensive unit.
Every homeowner has their own technique that they do when packing; some do it a week before, while others do it just a few days before the date. While it might work to some but for those who have few people around to help with the packing, things can get topsy-turvy or even disorganized. That is why it would be highly recommended that you made a plan before, during, and after the transfer to make sure that everything will be organized and nothing will be left out.
If you feel that you need to move to your new place as soon as possible, then it is better to hire only the trusted professional movers in town.