Study in the classroom is fundamental, but once at home, the little ones should continue to exercise their brains. And although this is something that has always been done because after school children spend many hours at home studying or doing homework, now, the pandemic situation forces in many cases to reconvert the home into a study space.
In most schools, the method they use now is to make face-to-face and virtual classes, and in the virtual ones, paper writer must have adapted a study area at home.
At first glance, it seems easy, but if you want to get a good performance and good academic results, it is best to follow the tips that we bring you below so that the little ones and not so little ones feel comfortable studying and adapt to this new mode of learning at home.
That’s why I wrote these tips for creating a workspace at home.
Pay attention to the recommendations and start rebuilding your home as if it were a mini private school!
10 tips to get an excellent place to study at home
- Analyze your home
Of course, every house is different, and it will not be the same to study in a 60 m2 place with 5 people living in it than in a 120 m2 house with a lot of space so that “they do not bother you.”
Therefore, it is essential that before doing anything, you analyze your home and study your possibilities, what space you have and how you can adapt a place in your home to a study area.
Also, consider if you will have to share the space with someone else or if it will be just for you because that can also vary where you choose to create your learning space.
- Choose the study space
To get children and teenagers to study at home profitably, we must choose a place in the house where they feel comfortable and at ease, but at the same time, it must be a quiet space where they can concentrate.
For that reason, on many occasions, the desk and the study area are installed in the children’s rooms to have their own private space and escape from the rest of the house members to achieve optimal concentration and a more relaxed atmosphere.
However, in cases where the study room is immersed in the children’s room, special care must be taken, and you must be very aware that the child must separate leisure and games from study time.
Therefore, the most effective solution would be to create the workspace in a separate room as an office, which in these cases, most likely would be shared with other members of the household. Still, there would be no distractions or elements that may interfere with the study.
However, as we have said, this will depend on each house and the surface of the same, but wherever the youngsters’ desk is finally placed, the most important thing is to delimit and stipulate a study area.
- Delimit the study area
As we have said, even if you do not have a room 100% adapted to study, the most important thing is to delimit a place, and this is mainly done by placing a table or desk. The table will already act as a limit, so you are already creating a study area. Then you only need to put in a comfortable chair and make the table adapt to the child’s height.
With these two objects, your child can start studying because, as you well know, you should avoid looking or reading on sofas, armchairs, or beds. After all, the most likely thing to happen is that they end up falling asleep and not performing as they should.
- Say yes to school supplies
Although there are many minimalists, when a child is studying at home, school supplies cannot be made to disappear, quite the contrary.
The best thing for a student is to have all kinds of material for each subject, and if there is a study area created, all these objects should be within reach so as not to have to be distracted by going to look for things you need in another room of the house.
- Keep things tidy
We know that some kids love all this school stuff, but that doesn’t mean you have to have the study table upside down.
The table should always be clear and with the essential things for that moment. Everything else should be in drawers or on shelves, neat and tidy, so you know where it is when you need it.
Order is essential to have a good study rhythm because if disorder takes over the student, it can cause distractions, and a crowded space does not help obtain good academic results.
- No noise
If we talk about distractions, one of the most common is noise. There are all kinds of families, and if apart from the student child, there are more siblings or babies in the family, things can get a little complicated when it comes to studying.
The baby’s crying, some arguments, or fights between the parents do not help the student to achieve his goals. Therefore, the room or space dedicated to studying must be isolated as much as possible.
It is best to close doors and try to stop any interference or noise. Other techniques used are putting on headphones and listening to relaxing music to avoid that everything that can produce a distraction does not end up making it.
- The importance of good lighting
To study and work, one of the most important things to take into account is lighting. Whether teleworking or looking, it is best to opt for ambient lighting to perform office tasks, as it is a critical factor in promoting productivity.
In this way, it is recommended that when you are studying, it is done in an area where there is a window that allows natural light and indirectly. But if this is not your case and you do not have a balcony or window in your study area, if you have to choose a lamp with artificial light, it is best that it is warm to get a good concentration and if the colours of the walls are light, the better.
If you do not have enough light, the only thing that will happen is that you will strain your eyes, and you will reach a limit in your study session, or you will end up falling asleep.
- A properly ventilated environment
Regardless of the seasons and whether it is hot or cold, the studio area should always be well ventilated and at the right temperature.
If the environment is cold, this will cause restlessness and discomfort by resorting to blankets or coats to study. On the other hand, if the climate is hot, this will cause stress and tension, which will result in a poor attention span.
Therefore, it is best to ventilate in the case of circulating and getting the optimum temperature for each occasion to achieve good comfort and thus facilitate performance and avoid falling into fatigue and discomfort own to be distempered.
- A decoration without distractions
Who said that the study area couldn’t be decorated? On the contrary! The more comfortable your child feels in that space, the more hours he will want to spend in it, so if he wants to decorate the room with pictures of his favourite motorcycle racer or his favourite actress, let him do it! That will be an extra motivation and will make him feel more like he owns the study area.
Just make sure the space is not too cluttered and not too distracting. A subtle decoration can be beneficial, but it can have the opposite effect when the limits are exceeded.
- The clock to mark goals
Among the decoration, an element that can be very useful is a clock. Keeping track of your study time is also a way to meet your goals. There is no point in spending all day locked up in that room if you are not productive.
The best thing to do is to set study goals that are related to time. This way, you will set small goals with a little bit of time pressure to get better results and be favourable for the student.