Moving into your first home is an exciting yet ever-so-slightly daunting time. You’ve found the perfect house, now all that’s left to do is furnish and decorate it so it reflects you. There are so many aspects of decorating a new home to look forward to but finding the money to fuel your creative ideas can be tricky, especially when you’re a first-time homeowner. Usually, people are able to transport a lot of their old furniture to their new place, but when you’re starting from scratch, that isn’t an option.
So, if you want to find the best deals to furnish your first home, follow these top tips:
Look Out for Freebies
Believe it or not, some people are so desperate to get rid of furniture they’ll give it away. All you’d have to do is arrange transport for it from their home to yours. Nowadays, many communities have their own Facebook group or website to keep residents updated about what’s going on in the area. However, on these groups and community boards, many people want to shift old furniture to anyone who wants it! Check your local Facebook group or even Freecycle where you’ll find perfectly good furniture for absolutely nothing.
Shop Online
Understandably, there are many people who like the idea of trying before they buy, particularly in the case of furniture. Nevertheless, shopping online can prove to be a lot cheaper than trekking to furniture stores. If you’re still not sure about committing to an online purchase, read through all the reviews first to check that the image advertised is as accurate as the real product.
Browse Charity Furniture Shops
Charity furniture shops can be a great place to find a deal or two. Plenty of people donate furniture in great condition to charities instead of just throwing it away. Charities such as Salvation Army and Goodwill have stores dedicated to furniture. If you’re willing to scour a few shops in different locations, you’ll be sure to find furniture that could work for your home.
Shop Locally
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t always find cheaper deals online, especially when you factor in the shipping costs. Shopping locally not only supports your local community, but you could also save on delivery costs by picking it up yourself. What’s more, independent stores are likely to have bigger sales from season to season to make way for their new stock. You could pick up anything from a garden coffee table to dining room chairs for a lot less.
Make Your Own
Nobody is suggesting you start chopping down trees and turn your hand to carpentry. But you can get creative and start making pieces for your home. Even if it’s a case of upcycling old furniture by sanding it down and giving it a lick of paint, there’s no reason why you can’t get your thinking cap on and design something that’s unique to you.