Finding the best whole house generator can be tricky if you want a generator to power your whole house you’ll have to be a lot more careful when purchasing something. A portable generator won’t have as many requirements as a whole house one.
If you are trying to find a generator to power your whole house then a visit to Best Generators.org will help. It provides up to date news, information and guides for all kinds of generators including whole house generators.
A whole house generator is going to be a bigger more long term investment than buying a portable generator. So, you’ll need to be sure it is actually suitable for your home there are plenty of different makes and models so it can all be a little confusing.
But I can below I’ll be looking at all the main things you need to think about to ensure you buy the best whole generator and more importantly know how to safely use it to generate enough power for your home. So, without further ado let’s take a closer look at whole house generators and examine how they work more closely.
Buying and Using a Whole House Generator
The first thing you need to do if you want to use a whole house generator to power your home is to ensure you are buying the right kind of generator. This might seem simple but it can be easier than you think to buy the wrong kind of generator.
Standby generators are a common alternative that work in a similar way although unlike whole house generators they can’t power everything at once. A whole house generator is typically a larger more expensive machine that will be able to power everything at once.
If you suffer a blackout or lose electricity due to extreme weather to give just one possible example a whole house generator should be able to power everything. If it works correctly it will be almost like nothing as actually happened.
Whole house generators can have a power range of anywhere from 22 to 48 KW typically much more power than you get in smaller back up generators. They can also be used for much longer because they are automatically cooled and generally much more robust and strong.
How they actually generate the power you need for your home will depend on what type of whole house generator you buy. The three main types of whole house generator fuels are natural gas, liquid propane, and diesel.
Propane and diesel whole house generators will have larger fuel tanks although if you opt for a natural gas generators will need to ensure your gas lines and meters are the right size to accommodate it. So, there will be some prep work required to ensure the generator receives enough power.
Finally, to ensure your whole house generator can supply enough power for your home you will need to make sure it gives enough power. On average anywhere between 27 – 36 KW should be enough.