Although there are many types of wood, identifying each just by looking can be a challenging task. When you order furniture, what guarantee do you have it got produced by the kind of timber you desired? Therefore, you should be able to identify and single out if the material in front of you is actual wood or not. The job is not easy, but with the below tips, you can become a pro. It requires time, so do not rush to judgments. The different variations of wood all have unique characteristics, but these guidelines apply to all of them.
Confirm Its Density
Before you even start analyzing, ensure that you are working with an actual and real piece of wood. It should not be an artificial product like veneer, which is typically attached to MDF or fiberboard. If you fail at this step, then all the remaining phases will bear false results. Observe the edges keenly to see if the grain matches up correctly. The pattern of wood flows in one direction; hence the sides, corners, and face should all be streamlined. It should be the same all over; otherwise, you are looking for something else and not wood.
Most types of wood are either weathered or stained to give it a better look. You should be able to discern if the colour is natural or not. A large variety of wood will turn grey when left in an open place for long. However, with a little bit of sanding, you can restore the original look. If there is no colouring, check wood finishing on the grain as you will get more information. Softer woods are typically smooth with very few indentations while a hardwood structure has open pores. The grain can also tell you how the tree was acquired and the machine used to cut it.
A scale will give an accurate figure if you want to establish how heavy a piece of wood is. To check the hardness, you can try to press your nail and see if it leaves a mark. If it doesn’t, then that wood is quite hard. Also, at this point, you should tell if the item is dry or has some moisture. Wet wood will always be more substantial than the dry type. Compare and contrast the different weights. Furthermore, depending on your location, you can be able to identify the origin of the wood. Knowledge of the source of timber gives you a competitive advantage to understand its structure and how it behaves.
Basic Characteristics
Wood has different smells; it is possible to differentiate pine form cherry since they have unique odours. Although vanish and polish get used, the smell never goes away. Amazingly, working with a fluorescent light can reveal more than what the eye can see.
Above all these factors, your focus should get channelled on the end grain. Use a magnifying glass to get a better view, and all the features will come out. When you master these techniques, the work gets more comfortable.
How to identify wood types in furniture
Although there are many types of wood, identifying each just by looking can be a challenging task. When you order furniture, what guarantee do you have it got produced by the kind of timber you desired? Therefore, you should be able to identify and single out if the material in front of you is actual wood or not. The job is not easy, but with the below tips, you can become a pro. It requires time, so do not rush to judgments. The different variations of wood all have unique characteristics, but these guidelines apply to all of them.
Confirm Its Density
Before you even start analysing, ensure that you are working with an actual and real piece of wood. It should not be an artificial product like veneer, which is typically attached to MDF or fibreboard. If you fail at this step, then all the remaining phases will bear false results. Observe the edges keenly to see if the grain matches up correctly. The pattern of wood flows in one direction; hence the sides, corners, and face should all be streamlined. It should be the same all over; otherwise, you are looking for something else and not wood.
Most types of wood are either weathered or stained to give it a better look. You should be able to discern if the colour is natural or not. A large variety of wood will turn grey when left in an open place for long. However, with a little bit of sanding, you can restore the original look. If there is no colouring, check wood finishing on the grain as you will get more information. Softer woods are typically smooth with very few indentations while a hardwood structure has open pores. The grain can also tell you how the tree was acquired and the machine used to cut it.
A scale will give an accurate figure if you want to establish how heavy a piece of wood is. To check the hardness, you can try to press your nail and see if it leaves a mark. If it doesn’t, then that wood is quite hard. Also, at this point, you should tell if the item is dry or has some moisture. Wet wood will always be more substantial than the dry type. Compare and contrast the different weights. Furthermore, depending on your location, you can be able to identify the origin of the wood. Knowledge of the source of timber gives you a competitive advantage to understand its structure and how it behaves.
Basic Characteristics
Wood has different smells; it is possible to differentiate pine form cherry since they have unique odours. Although vanish and polish get used, the smell never goes away. Amazingly, working with a fluorescent light can reveal more than what the eye can see.
Above all these factors, your focus should get channelled on the end grain. Use a magnifying glass to get a better view, and all the features will come out. When you master these techniques, the work gets more comfortable.