Now more than ever, people are opting to live in smaller spaces. Over 43% of Londoners live in flats, which come in varying sizes but are typically smaller than homes found in outlying areas. Furthermore, with the UK housing shortage becoming increasingly dire, smaller spaces are becoming the solution for many people seeking residences.
With this in mind, you may find yourself living in tight quarters, especially while cooking in the kitchen. If you find yourself working in a small kitchen due to financial or commuting necessities, it isn’t always easy making room for cooking or entertaining.
Thankfully, you don’t have to compromise. Although your kitchen might be cramped, you don’t have to be stuck in a jam when cooking. Furthermore, a few space-saving adjustments can work wonders in showing off your personality in the kitchen. Here are some helpful tips to maximise counter space in any tiny kitchen.
Scrutinise Your Kitchen Design
Most people are stuck with their kitchen design outside of knocking down a wall or renovating. And, if you’re renting a flat, you certainly don’t have the option of changing the structure of your kitchen. However, stand back and look closely at your kitchen design. Observe opportunities for creating unique spaces. From floor, backsplash, sink to ceiling – view your kitchen area in terms of how you can optimise your counter space. You might be surprised by how much space you can carve out when you are open to unique adjustments.
Get Rid of Clutter
If you just moved in, this probably isn’t necessary. However, if you’ve lived in your space for a while, it might be time to toss out kitchen items you no longer need to make room for. Follow the 6-month rule when it comes to decluttering. If you haven’t used something in the kitchen for six months, toss it or give it away. This can go a long way towards giving you the adequate space you need in a tight kitchen.
Rethink Countertop Appliances
It’s true, some appliances you probably can’t live without daily. Yet, there are probably others that could be stored away. For instance, if you have a coffee subscription service and adore your daily java, the coffee maker stays on the counter. But, if you only use that massive Kitchen Aid during the holidays, that’s a big chunk of space you can free up as you store that appliance in a cupboard until you need it for your next batch of holiday cookies.
Multipurpose Your Stovetop
Most flats come with an oven featuring burners on top. If you don’t use your stovetop every day, this could be a great way to maximise your countertop space. Get your stovetop’s length and width measurements and pop to your local hardware store. There you can find a sturdy wood plank to use as a stovetop cover. Or, you could purchase an appropriately sized butcher board to place atop your range. This gives you much-valued surface area when your stovetop isn’t in use.
Utilise Your Ceiling
One of the most overlooked assets in any tight kitchen space is the ceiling. For instance, think about investing in a hanging pot rack. This can both free up counter space and alleviate cramped storage areas in the kitchen. You can even hang netting from the ceiling to store some goods, waiting to ripen before use. The things you can hang from your kitchen ceiling are endless, and it can clear a lot of space for better productivity.
Install Shelving
This might seem like a no-brainer, but utilising your walls to install shelving can be tremendously helpful in freeing up kitchen counter space. With minimal expense, you can anchor shelving to your walls so you can keep your glasses, pots, dishes, or pans off your counters. You can even mount spice racks or wire shelving to place your seasonings, biscuit tins, or tea containers.
Take Advantage of Magnets
Even the smallest kitchens are typically equipped with refrigerators. Utilise this space by getting super-strong magnetic hooks. These can hold dishtowels, shopping bags, and so much more. You might even get a mega-magnetised knife bar to adhere to your fridge. There’s no telling what you can stick to your icebox so you can free up space on your kitchen counters.
The Last Word on Making the Best of Tight Kitchen Situation
Hopefully, these suggestions will inspire you to rethink your tiny kitchen. However, before you make any adjustments, be sure to check with your landlord if you are renting because specific installations might be prohibited. Once you have the “all clear” from your handyman or landlord, you can start enjoying your expansive new kitchen countertops with these nifty countertop space-saving ideas.