Owning a home is a costly undertaking. Without the right amount of maintenance, you will struggle to avoid serious repair issues. One of the biggest concerns you should have as a homeowner is reducing the amount of electricity your residence uses. When trying to find and fix sources of energy waste, don’t forget to pay attention to your garage door condition.
If your existing garage door is damaged, it will allow air to escape, affecting the energy consumption in your home. Getting help from a garage door service, Houston expert is crucial when addressing the problems in this part of your home. Here are some helpful tips that will allow you to turn your garage into an energy-efficient space.
Check and Replace the Weather Stripping
The amount of electricity needed to power the United States doubles every 20 years. If the amount of energy your home uses has increased substantially in the past few months, you may be dealing with a garage door issue. Most garage doors come with weather stripping, which is designed to keep air from escaping around the garage door frame.
The older this weatherstripping gets, the more it begins to dry out and crack, making it less effective. There will come a time when the weather stripping around your garage door deteriorates to the point where it must be replaced. By replacing damaged weather stripping, you can keep your home more energy efficient in the long run.
Invest in a New Garage Door
Saving money is something that most homeowners are very passionate about. However, there will be times when you have to spend money to make your home more appealing and energy-efficient. If your existing garage door is damaged and drafty, you may need to replace it, especially if it is quite old. Modern garage doors are designed to be more energy-efficient and last longer.
As you start to look at the new garage door options you have, make sure you choose one with adequate insulation. New garage doors with insulation are considered very energy-efficient as they retain heat inside the space. The money you initially pay for an insulated garage door will be worth it, considering the energy and money you will save over time. If you are unsure about what type of replacement garage door you need, consult with professionals in this industry. They can help you find the garage door and can get it installed in a timely fashion.
Insulate the Switches and Lights
Most homeowners fail to realise just how much energy escapes through their garage outlets and switches. If these elements are not properly sealed, you will waste a lot of money trying to heat or cool this part of your home. Luckily, there are insulation covers available for your switches and outlets. By putting these insulated covers in place, you can save a lot of money on energy costs over time.
If you want to take your energy savings one step further, consider using LED bulbs in your garage. These types of bulbs last longer and can save you money on your energy bills in the long run as well.
Invest in New Lighting
Do you work on projects in your garage frequently? If so, having adequate lighting is imperative. Some homeowners mistake hanging on to traditional incandescent bulbs instead of using more modern LED options. Not only are LED lights more efficient, but they also emit more light than traditional bulbs.
Getting new lighting fixtures installed in your garage will be much easier with the help of an electrician. Upgrading these lighting fixtures will save you money in the long-term and provide you with a higher degree of illumination.
It’s Time to Get to Work
Are you ready to make your garage an energy-efficient space? If so, it is time to put the tips in this article to use. With the help of professionals, you can find and fix any energy issues your garage has and improve your home’s energy usage overall. Instead of performing this work on your own, you should consider hiring professionals to help, especially if you are unsure if you can do the work yourself.