When considering purchasing a new property many can underestimate the importance of the decision before them. People may be tempted to condemn those people who come back saying they didn’t buy a place simply because it didn’t feel right. But in actual fact there is a great truth to those words and one of the best cases that can demonstrate this fact is with art and in the visual representations of the world around us.
Much of Japanese architecture is founded on reflecting the needs of an individual, the design and critical thinking used to construct typical everyday buildings within the country has been made to enhance the lives of the people using and existing within them. They celebrate and dedicate to the construction of these buildings because they recognise that the average human being will spend almost eighty percent of their lives indoors, and so they reflect this fact in the care that they take when erecting these properties. If a human is to spend that much time indoors then why should it not be a beautiful environment?
Illustration can highlight to its audience the importance and beauty of spaces that we inhabit, it demonstrates us as an extension of architecture; showing the harmonisation of our surroundings with the lives that we lead. Most importantly it shows us that we are the spaces that we inhabit, that architecture and the places that we dwell within play a phenomenal role in our lives. However because it is in the background this is a fact that many of us often miss.
![]( http://www.juxtapoz.com/images/alex%20nicholson/1July31/ARCHITECTURE-odessa_Dasha-Pliska_10.jpg)
Architectural image by Ukrainian artist Dasha Pliska
For example this image created by Ukrainian artist Dasha Pliska shows architecture in the hands of a human woman; which scribes the idea of our hands and the manual labour that goes into the creation of these buildings, it reminds us of the human element to architecture that is made for us, by us.
The mathematical precision of Ingrid Siliakus’ work demonstrates the monumental design work that goes into every building we see.
Meanwhile these 3D paper templates created by Amsterdam based artist Ingrid Siliakus incorporate the accuracy and technical ability of construction and show to us the complex process of framing the world around us. It can show us how even a simple house has been born from a long history of trial and error and learning.
Sean Whelan here demonstrates the life of a place and shows how humans can add soul and memories to buildings, making them mean and count for something much more than just a pile of bricks.
Illustrator Sean Edward Whelan meanwhile has flipped the dynamic entirely, showcasing a range of human bodies made out of a collective of architecture. He captures the flux of interchange that takes place between human and building suggesting the life behind architecture and the very real role that it plays in life. He indicates the humanity that exists in all places we inhabit and shows that we humans make the places that we exist breathe and teem. They are the places we fill with memories, we are the ones that ascertain associations to these buildings and make them mean something; just as much as a place seems to also make us because of the things we hold in them.
So when someone next tells you that they turned down a house because it didn’t feel right, think of the perspective illustration and art can provide us with, the insight it can allow us to show how important places and spaces are to our everyday world.
People are not just shopping for a house; they are shopping for a home.