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Eco Home Improvement
In recent years, the need to consider our carbon footprints and Co2 emissions has significantly increased, with an encouraging boost in recycling and car manufactures constantly in competition in launched their latest ‘green’ concepts. A lot of people are seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprints within their homes, reducing their living costs at the same time. The most common changes are upgrading insulation, installing solar panels, and using energy-saving light bulbs. In this era of constant technological advancement, most people don’t realise the amount of energy used by the multitude of devices used in the average home. So here are some tips to reduce our consumption from technology.
The kitchen’s biggest waste is the excess use of water from the use of fridges, freezers, washing machines and dishwashers. Luckily, in these days of eco-awareness, there are standards that have to be met, so all ‘white goods’ come with an energy rating, indicating how environmentally friendly they are. When buying kitchen goods, look at the appliances with a rating as close to A as possible. When using the washing machine, opt for the “economy wash” setting if possible to use less water.
Taking a shower instead of a bath is common practise in saving water, however, leaking taps and old toilets can waste a lot more if left to drip. There are some good gadgets that can be used to reduce water waste, such as a device (like a brick) that reduces the amount of water that enters your cistern, thus reducing the amount of water used every time you flush the toilet. Specially designed showerheads can be purchased that mixes air and water, which reduces the amount of water used during a shower by around 60%.
Make sure all of your wooden furniture, book cases, dining tables, desks have been sourced sustainably – the wood taken to build the furniture has be replaced with new saplings, so eventually new trees will grow. There’s also the option of purchasing furniture that is constructed from recycled woods.
Of course, not all technology is bad, in fact there are a fair few devices that will help save energy. Installing a motion detector outside the home, replacing your existing outdoor lighting is one way – outdoor floodlights left on all night waste an enormous amount of energy. Another consideration is investing in an automated thermostat. These high-tech thermostats are well worth the cost, and what you spend on it, you will gain back over time with lower heating bills. An interesting fact is for every degree you lower your heating you reduce your heating bills by 3%.
These are just a few simple tips in energy saving, but if you invest a little time researching, you’ll find you can make significant savings with the amount of eco-aware companies out