We spend half of our lives – just from that same moment when we reach our scary teens – thinking about the time when we will be finally free from mum and dad and their rules… because who hasn’t heard that “my house, my rules!” phrase at least a hundred times?! Living alone definitely has its advantages, but don’t be fooled, it has its disadvantages as well.
Doing whatever we want, when we want, is definitely THE advantage. We can lay on the sofa for hours if we feel like doing it, we can have breakfast, lunch and/or dinner in bed, we can invite friends, as many as we like, home and throw a party… You don’t have anyone on your back telling you to tidy up your room, and you certainly don’t get that annoying look that your parents give you when they have just woken up and are having breakfast and you are just coming back from a wild night out. Oh, sweet freedom!
But… wait! Who’s going to look after us when we are not feeling well? Who’s going to cook lunch or dinner after we are back from a long day at university or work? If we think about it, living with our parents is not that bad. We don’t have to worry about bills, rent or a mortgage, there is always food in the fridge and the house is always tidy. But money is the real problem when you decide to move out. You need to pay rent or a mortgage and you will need to pay taxes and bills, buy food, etc. all with that money you earn working so hard and that will be hardly enough to cover all the expenses. You’ll have to get used to tight budgets!
Many of us miss our time at out parent’s house as much as we might have complained about it. Don’t get me wrong, living alone is amazing, you get used to it quickly, and it is an experience that will teach you lots of life lessons and is a time that we all enjoy. But there are moments when we would give anything just to go back to that time when we didn’t have to worry about bills, the lack of food in the fridge or the amount of unwashed clothes in the washing basket… Here’s to the good old days!
If you are in search of a property to stay in, why not consider becoming a property guardian? There are plenty of property guardianship London availabilities right now that are waiting to be filled!
by Sandra Martinez