Tech advances can now help landlords manage their properties on the go from their phone or tablet device
With smart phones so prevalent in our lives, it was only a matter of time before landlords and agents shifted from managing their properties on the desktop PC to something more mobile. There are now apps available on the Apple app store for iPhones and iPads that aim to help landlords and agents do exactly that.
One of the most popular and highly ranked apps is Property Buddy (www.propertybuddy.net). The Property Buddy app equips a property manager with a powerful suite of tools and does not require an internet connection to work. The app’s dashboard includes a cash-flow graph of income and expenses over a one year period and displays the amount of rent collected and outstanding payments for the previous and current months.
With smart phones so prevalent in our lives, it was only a matter of time before landlords and agents shifted from managing their properties on the desktop PC to something more mobile. There are now apps available on the Apple app store for iPhones and iPads that aim to help landlords and agents do exactly that.
One of the most popular and highly ranked apps is Property Buddy (www.propertybuddy.net). The Property Buddy app equips a property manager with a powerful suite of tools and does not require an internet connection to work. The app’s dashboard includes a cash-flow graph of income and expenses over a one year period and displays the amount of rent collected and outstanding payments for the previous and current months.
There is an option to add contact details for each tenant which allows the app to SMS or send an email copy of invoices, receipts and overdue notices. The app comes with a few pre-populated email templates which can be customised by the user. The ability to set reminders for certain events, such as the date a Gas Safety Certificate is due for renewal, is also very handy. Storing documents, such as images of lease agreements and tenancy check-in reports is also a nice feature.
Users with multiple devices, or where property management is shared between multiple people, will be pleased to know that the app works on multiple devices and data can be automatically synced via Apple iCloud or Dropbox. Entries made on one device will automatically be populated on every other connected device.
The app is also able to generate income expenditure reports which you can print directly or email to your accountant to help with your tax returns. We’ve been told that there will be more reports added in future updates to the app.
Customer feedback has been running strong, with a 4.6 / 5.0 rating in the App Store and positive reviews from users.