Installing a roof can be a complicated project, so it’s understandable if you have one or more questions you need an answer to before starting it. Over the years, we’ve been asked many questions regarding metal roofing, often from concerned homeowners looking to fix their existing roof or building looking to install a roof.
If you’re in the same boat, here are some of the most common questions we’ve been asked regarding metal roofing. Hopefully, this will shed some light on the topic.
How many different metal roofing styles are there?
There are two main metal roofing styles: vertical seam and modular shingles. Vertical seam roofing consists of long metal panels with a smooth surface or a texture applied to them. The panels usually have a groove or texture that runs vertically down them. On the other hand, modular shingles are generally used amongst other materials, with smaller panels that interlock or overlock to create a seamless connection between them.
Can I install my metal roof?
Installing your roof panels yourself is possible, but it is not recommended. Sure, it can save you the money you’d otherwise spend on getting a professional to do it. But it also comes with risks. You could make a mistake, like not measuring correctly, and have to spend extra money to buy more materials.
With a metal roofing professional on the job, they’ll handle all the material measurements and needs and the construction side. If something goes wrong, they’ll be held liable and will often cover the cost of fixing the mistake themselves. It’s just a much safer way to go.
Can I use metal roofing as siding?
It’s possible. Some roofing materials, such as wall coverings or siding, can function fairly well. However, you’ll have to find the right profile metal first, and it’ll need to be waterproofed differently to ensure that it meets local regulatory standards.
Is metal roofing recyclable?
One of the major benefits of metal roofing is that it’s recyclable. With how much waste we produce daily, going the eco-friendly route is the best way to look after our planet. That means choosing sustainable materials that can be reused. Over time, we all know that metal corrodes and rusts. However, instead of throwing it on the trash heap, you can have it melted down and repurposed.
What underlayment do I need to use with a metal roof?
Having the appropriate underlayment is the best way to insulate your home properly. Purchasing a synthetic underlayment designed to go under metal is the best option. Metal roofs heat up relatively fast and can climb quite high, so you need an underlayment to handle this heat and stop it from filtering into the house.
How can I stop my metal roof from rusting?
Rust is a common enemy when it comes to anything metal in a house. Not every metal roof is made from steel, though. Some are made from zinc, copper, or aluminium. For those of you who live near the coast, these materials can rust and corrode over time, even more so if the metal roofing you’ve purchased wasn’t manufactured well.
One of the best ways to prevent rust is to look after your roof well. Metal roofing has a long lifespan, 50-80 years. However, this is without rust or other issues affecting it. To avoid rust developing, the metal roofing you’re using must be coated with an anti-rust paint or primer before adding its paint. This provides a layer of protection against the salty sea hair and climate.
Will a metal roof fade over time?
Metal roofing usually uses multiple layers of paint when it is first painted. For example, if you’re buying the coast, it might use silicone-modified paints or polyvinylidene paints to protect it against harmful UV rays or saltwater exposure. After a good few years, your roof’s colour will probably fade and must be repainted to rejuvenate its appearance.
Final Thoughts
Whether it’s about metal types, specific designs, or what paint to use on your metal roof, you can find out more by contacting a professional metal roofer. They’d be happy to answer any questions and provide guidance to create the perfect roof.