So, you are planning on moving from the UK to the USA. And let’s just say – there is a great adventure awaiting you once you do it. However, moving isn’t an easy task. Not at all. And with greater distance, things tend to get even more complicated. Moving to another continent is a complex task and one that will require your complete devotion. There are just so many things you have to consider and tasks that need to be completed prior to moving. Still, moving to America is more than possible. All you have to do is to know exactly what you are doing. So, let’s dive in!
1# Make a plan and explore every option before making any final calls
As we mentioned before, moving isn’t an easy task to take on. However, there is no moving from the UK to the USA without obtaining a Green Card. You need one in order to live, work and, in the end – to pursue your American dream!
Some assistance can come in handy
There are various ways to acquire the Green Card, and you should explore all your options before making your final decision. You can also find yourself an immigration lawyer. Professional assistance might seem like an expensive option, and not the way to go when moving to another continent, but – trust us on this one – an immigration lawyer can and will come in handy.
Calculate your budget
Your budget is something that matters. A lot. Many things depend on it. So, start early. Compare your income to your expenses. Try to get an estimate of your moving costs. Have you found a job in the US? Moving from the UK to the US will affect your budget, and even more importantly – your everyday life. That is why it is so important to consider every angle and every aspect before making any final moves.
Pick a place
Let’s just say – America is bigger than one might think. A lot bigger. And there are so many cities to choose from. Most people coming from Europe are picking big cities such as Miami, Chicago, NYC or Los Angeles. However, you should do your own research and pick the one that fits your needs best. Different cities offer different opportunities, and just like anybody else – you and your needs are unique.
Find a job
Having a job is great. However, having a job in the UK after moving to the US won’t help unless it is a remote one. That is why you need to apply for one overseas. You will find a great job market there, and even if it seems scary at this point – you will find yourself a job. And with ease. All you have to do is to look in the right place.
Rent or sell your property
Your house doesn’t have to stay empty. No. You can even get some money out of it. You have two options here. You can either rent or sell your property prior to moving from the UK to the US. On the other hand, you’ll need a place to call your own once you move. And you will have to make the best possible combination out of this situation.
Find a mover
Moving from the UK to the USA isn’t as simple as it seems. Especially if you are planning on moving your whole household. On the other hand – moving to a big city such as NYC or Miami means one thing – there are many moving companies out there. That is why you will need to find high-quality long distance moving company in NY or any other city of your choice. The best one you can find. And the most reliable one.
2# Starting early is a must
Waiting for your Green Card can take while. And more than you think. That is why it is so important not to start on time but early. Looking for an apartment or any other property while in this process can also be quite tricky – so, yes, start as early as possible. This way, you will avoid common problems. And even more importantly – mistakes that can cost you a lot of time and energy.
3# Say your goodbyes
There is a long way ahead of you. And once you move from the UK to the USA, the chances are – you will miss your friends and family members. A lot. That is why it is so important to say your goodbyes before leaving the UK behind. Organize one big get together and share some good times once again. Remember the good old days and make some new memories. Also, don’t forget to invite your people to come and visit you. Moving from the UK to the USA is a hard task to take on, but it will be worth it. And the people you love will be more than happy to come and visit you. No matter if you decide to move to NYC or some smaller town – everybody wants to travel to America.
4# Don’t forget to breathe
Moving from the UK to the USA can be stressful. And more than you think. That is why it is so important to remember to breathe. Your own wellbeing is what comes first and matters the most. So – if you start feeling anxiety kicking in – take a break. Go for a walk. Enjoy the fresh air. Things will fall into their natural place. All you have to do is to give it some time. It is that simple.
And – good luck!