Your time at university will be a defining chapter in your life. This makes the decision of where to go key, and there are lots of factors that need to be considered. Obviously, you will want to attend a university that provides the course that you want to study, and you will also want the university to have a good reputation. In addition, it is also important to factor in if it is a good student city, how far away from home it is and whether it is campus-based.
Although it should not define which university you attend, it is inevitable that money will also play a large role in which city you go to. It is important that you opt for somewhere that you can afford to live, as if you were to struggle financially this could cause a great deal of stress and impact your studies, as well as your personal life.
Now, more than ever, money is having a bigger impact on where prospective students decide to study. This is due to the rise in tuition fees, which can see universities annually charge up to £9,000. This has sparked much controversy and debate, with many claiming that charging this amount is unsustainable and will be detrimental to the higher education system. Those that can afford to go to university will need to factor the tuition fees into their decision and also consider the cost of rent along with the living costs.
The Most Expensive Cities for Students
When you calculate the average student rent along with the estimated cost of living there are a few places that would see you pay £10,000+ per year. These are the most expensive student cities, you can find out more about these costs with companies like Safestore and other companies that help people move to cities. Unsurprisingly, it is London that is the most expensive city with an average annual cost of £14,548. Other prestigious student towns such as Oxford and Cambridge follow at £12,854 and £10,037 respectively. It is important you pick somewhere that you want to live and study, but you also need to choose somewhere that you can afford, as the money will influence how successful and enjoyable your time at university is.
The rent is one of the main costs that need to be factored in. You may find that you can pay less than the average amount by living with a larger group of people or living in a property on the outskirts of the town. There is then the cost of food, transport, nightlife and more to consider. There are always ways that you can reduce this amount, and this could make studying in London or one of the other more expensive cities more affordable.
It is now more expensive than ever before to attend university. The key is to do thorough research into the cost of rent and the cost of living in the places you get offers from and to figure out what your budget is for each year.