Surely, nothing beats the feeling of living inside a home that you’ve designed yourself. You will certainly feel much more attuned with it. In effect, you become more comfortable and more relaxed staying in it.
However, conveying design ideas to the contractor that you work with can be a bit challenging. Most of the time, design ideas are in the form of images, and mental pictures can be a bit difficult to describe accurately. You sometimes run out of words. There are even times when words cannot fully capture the meaning of what we are trying to convey.
When words fail, you can turn to other means of communicating. We outline here some of the communication methods that you can try.
Look for pictures of your design inspirations.
Many home builders bring with them a wealth of experience. While experience is indeed valuable in projects like home renovations, it can also be the noise that blocks the communication channel between you and the lead home builder.
You see, a speaker’s background affects the way they interpret things. When you say a word, that word might be interpreted in another way by your listener especially if you came from very different backgrounds.
To avoid such miscommunication, it’s better for you to look for pictures so that you can show to your home building partners what you really want. Getting sample photos is not really a problem because Google has a wealth of them just waiting to be searched and utilized.
Hire an architect.
If you are quite the imaginative type and the design that you want happens to be so unique that no photo seems to capture it satisfactorily, it will be best to just hire an architect. This professional is really trained to capture design ideas. They can even provide much-needed insight as to which design element is practical and which is just plain impossible given your budget and target completion date.
Getting an architect can be a little costly; but if you really want your design to be implemented as imagined, then you should also be willing to spend a little more for it. Life is just a series of trade-offs. The more complex the demand, the more valuable and significant your own insight should be.
Master the use of home design software.
If even the architect cannot satisfactorily interpret what you have in mind, perhaps it’s already time to bring your efforts to the next level. Not everyone can draw, that’s for sure. However, almost anyone can learn how to use a design software. So gather all the patience that you have and start exploring the buttons in a home design software that you can get your hands on. Once you master the skill, your imagination will surely become the sole limit to your design explorations.
Many take proper articulation of thoughts and ideas for granted. But it’s actually a complex process that becomes even more nuanced as the message that you try to convey becomes more abstract. Even so, successful communication of design ideas is still possible. There is just a need to exert a fair amount of effort.