Phil Spencer’s Channel 4 TV show Secret Agent reveals a more naughty side to the famous property expert. He presents this show without his buddy Kristie Allsopp and it may be this very reason he is showing his true colours. Phils travels the UK in a bid to turn around homes that refuse to sell in a market recovering from a lack of mortgage finance.
Dirty jokes remind me of a great Carry on film!
Phil Spencer’s Wicked Sense Of Humour
Maybe its because Phil Spencer is on his own, the show is a lot more relaxed and humour is in abundance. School boy or “Carry On” style innuendo humour, but humour all the same. I for one enjoy Phil Spencer’s naughty humour “ trimming the bush to make a nice clean entrance” was one quote about kerb appeal! OOO vicor!
I think the change away from the sad boring serious estate agent style presenting is refreshing. It reminds me somewhat of Come Dine With Me, a show that could be boring if it was not for Dave Lambes dry sense of humour and incredible voice overs.
In the program Phil goes undercover to secretly investigate some truly stunningly awful properties. I enjoy the bits in the show where he reveals himself (not like that) and the faces of the owners. Some properties have been on sale for years with no hint of a buyer. It’s very obvious that some estate agents are too scared to tell some of these vendors the hard truth about their properties.
Phil to the rescue by simply researching the local area and the housing market, before giving the owners some tips and home truths on what they need to do before he seeks out some potential buyers for them.
De clutter like mad is the lesson learned from watching Secret Agent
Big lessons for vendors about de cluttering, cleaning up, fixing minor repairs changing old carpets, and painting in light colours. In one episode the smell of dog challenges Phil, the smell remained after painting but he managed to get a sale. More at www.philspencer.tv
Know your buyer
I found the most interesting lessons were based around knowing your buyer. In one episode an elderly couple that had been trying to sell for 3 years had a home that would attract young families. The challenge was that the home was decorated in the taste and style for the elderly couple. Phil reminded them of whom they were trying to sell too. The décor changes they made included carpet changes and painting, and of course de cluttering resulting in a dramatic transformation. The home was now an attractive proposition to potential buyers . See more Secret Agent at Channel 4
Author: Nick Marr