Halifax has recent-8ec341f8-6d8d-80-421b-a83080d5df46″ class=”textannotation”>tation”>a7-6952-1df6f4ef1299″ class=”textannotation”>ncement-794<span id=”urn:enhancement-20d71113-b000-419d-babb-2f84cdf1f-796f-75a0-7d41-0226df4ca27c” class=”textannotation”>d1fa-4948-568c-98fd-9a21480028cc” class=”textannotation”>bba20d34e” class=”textannotation”>ba9e3-8f28-9779-92d2-173926c9ae9c” class=”textannotation”>tly noted a slight slip in confidence in the UK housing market, and has now fallen to its lowest level in twelve months (though slightly higher than the 62% noted in a report from around the same time in 2013). It has been noted that this slip mirrors doubts about the outlook of the economy over the coming year.
424″ class=”textannotation”>ium;” style=”font-size: medium;”>A reported net value of 62% of Britons believe house values will increase over the next twelve months, which is the lowest amount in the last year.
n:enhancem18″ class=”textannotation”>92b3597b” class=”textannotation”>ent-29e07420-c248-2d1b-37d3-d5836a437902″ class=”textannotation”>n id=”urn:enhancement-b8558394-86a7-d871-9cdb-84f2d186347e” class=”tewl-thing” itemid=”http://data.wordlift.io/wl0502/entity/house_price_index”>ement-6e1e1922-420f-9a48-4b60-3a107d07a411″ class=”textannotation”>xtannotation”> medium;”>Craig McKinlay, mortgages director at Halifax, notes that consumer confidence has “ation”>159706.html”>reached a ceiling”. McKinlay also says that 55% of people in London, where house prices have recently soared, believe the next year will be a bad time to buy a house;cement-2e742294-9f17-218e-6289-46376a1ea653″ class=”textannotation”>n:enhancement-c377986b-daa5-764e-048c-08748dee7bfc” class=”textannotation”> 37% of Britons overall hold that belief, however. London is the only regi69-17a5-83720c1ee7ba” class=”textannotation”>-2923-c3a7a515537f” class=”textannotation”>on in the UK where the majority believe current times are not good for buying houses. class=”textannotation”>nce-slips-100039507.html#ilK1tG5″>People in the North East of England seem the most optimistic about buying their houses over the next year, with the number measuring 36%.
It has also been noted that 57% has said they have been hindered from buying houses due to not being able to raise enough deposit, fallen from the 63% that said the same thing a year ago. Other stated problems include stricter criteria for lending and rises in interest rates.
“>-style=”fon<ancement-1143b146-d8be-2eeb-f045-29b2afc010b4″ class=”textannotation”>-c04d-b13d133db6d3″ class=”textannotation”>/span>t-size: medium;” style=”font-size: medium;”>Do you believe now is a good time for buying a home? Why or why not? If you are currently having reservations about buying a home, what are your main reasons?