Within the recent few years, studying remotely has become the new normal. Learners all around the globe accepted online ways of communication and working. They have adjusted the occupation hours, household chores, and meal time. However, completing the assignment from the comfort of our bedroom might sometimes be challenging. Parents and siblings need to let you concentrate on the tasks, or numerous messages from social media distract your attention. Perhaps, you got on the wrong foot this morning and can’t deal with your laziness. Despite any reasons, it’s OK to be lost sometimes — everyone has been through it. Therefore, we’ve prepared several tips on how to build a productive atmosphere and get into studies.
Make Your Workspace Only a Workspace
Also, it helps to have a few motivational tools and accessories around, like custom calendars. A calendar can be customized with motivational quotes, silly photos that inspire learning, or even images of what the student would like to do once they pass the exams (landscapes of a location where they’d like to travel or pictures of the sea, where they’ll go with their friends).
Often the boundaries of our working environment get blurred because we’re getting used to doing everything in one place. For instance, right after the online classes, students bring food to the same table they were sitting at before and start their meal while reading notifications and surfing the Net. These habits damage the productive mode. We tend to feel overly relaxed or lazy during the lessons and usually can’t concentrate on our goals. Making a separate area only for studies is good to avoid the issue. You can use another room as a cabinet or work in the living room. Remember the importance of surrounding yourself only with what you need: notebooks, encyclopedias, etc.
Eliminate Distractions
Learners tend to get distracted from the studying process easily. A new Instagram message might take up an hour scrolling through the Reels, or just one question from your mum can expand to the hourly conversation. Shortly saying, it’s a top priority to set boundaries. Close the door or put your headphones in — let your roommates know you’re busy. Also, always turn on the “Night” mode or switch off notifications for a couple of hours. Build up your schedule and strictly follow it. Don’t try to speed up and finish quickly — fight this urge and provide yourself with the proper learning conditions.
Do Not Work in Your Bedroom
Completing the assignment in your bedroom unconsciously starts associating the place with hard work. Further, it significantly damages the quality of your sleep and your ability to relax overall. It happens because your brain can’t accept your bedroom as a place to rest but only a cabinet for working from home. The same applies to the bed. If you’re exhausted and want to fall asleep right after, you better rely on the essay-writing expert Edusson. Remember, maintaining health is highly important for productive studying.

Work Near Window
Unexpectedly, natural light is an essential component of productivity. According to scientific facts, the light from the window helps you to stay active and awake by impacting the circadian rhythms. The other benefit of locating your table in front of the window is receiving vitamin D. You won’t even notice the use while studying the research. Still, the overall condition of your body will be better, just like your mood. So, before setting up the work-from-home space, try to think about what the best option is. Consider the sunlight’s angle and ensure it won’t hurt your eyes.
Add Color to Increase Productivity
You might not even notice, but the dull studying area impacts your productivity level. It makes you less concentrated and leads to boredom. Therefore, redecorating your working space is a great idea. You should add some bright colours or objects. For instance, paint one of the walls light peach or put some impressive paintings on it. We also recommend adding more bright green or blue because these colours help to concentrate more. However, each person has to suit the working space to their preferences. You won’t notice how energetic you’ll become. While doing the research for several hours, the time flies fast!
Let Some Fresh Air in
Adding some fresh air is another helpful tip for making a studying area productive. It’s widely known that relaxed environments help clarify one’s mind and think more efficiently. By opening the window, you’ll increase your overall state as well. Warm or stuffy spaces make you more sluggish and keep your brain from proceeding with assignments correctly. During the hot seasons of the year, it’s highly important to ventilate the room to refresh your mind. The previous tip also applies here — you can get more natural light and stay concentrated for longer. Still, ensure you’re not too cold and won’t get a fever.

Our lives have changed in recent years. About half of our routine became “online” due to several worldwide issues. Later, doing our work from home became the new norm, which was convenient and healthier for society. The remote option remains prevalent. Yet, it also brings up some issues, such as problems with concentration and laziness. To avoid these, learners have to follow several helpful tips. For example, eliminate distractions and set boundaries. It helps to build a solid workspace, even at home. Also, work near the window and frequently refresh the cabinet. This way, your brain will proceed with better efficiency. So, there are lots of helpful pieces of advice that each student has to tailor for themselves to take the most out of online learning.
Ref: 3079.26274 | 3107.27235