Themed homes have always been a rather niche trend, but one with the power to inspire envy and amazement. Now, with the rise of social media and websites like Pinterest, it’s easier than ever to see completely awesome themed properties and consider just for a moment what it would be like to make one.
As always, there are advantages and disadvantages. The aesthetic unity of a themed home – the coherency of a single idea – is often incredibly impressive, and can look awesome. As you’ll see from some of the examples below, it’s a way of extending a love or passion into a physical space, the space where you live, putting it on display for all to witness.
What this also means, however, is sacrificing a huge amount of choice and variety. Furniture and household items must be meticulously sourced and chosen: anything that defies the theme simply isn’t appropriate. If a themed house is to look good, complete commitment is required.
But there are people out there willing to make that sacrifice. Take a look at the examples below – perhaps they’ll inspire something wonderful.
The Hobbit

Daily Mail

Daily Mail
Based on J.R.R Tolkiens fantasy trilogy The Lord of the Rings, a man named Simon Dale designed a Middle Earth home in Wales, complete with solar panels for power and a nearby spring for water. From the winding oak frame to the mud and turf that make up the outside, this truly is utter commitment to a theme.

Daily Mail

Daily Mail
Though there are many horror-themed houses, this property in North Carolina is a lot more specific. It’s a replica of the Michael Myers house from John Carpenter’s Halloween. Inside it features a huge range of merch and memorabilia, as well as the relevant furniture and design. Yikes!
Harry Potter

The Independent

The Independent
This one is a little different, but in the same vein. The Georgian House hotel in London has refashioned itself as a Harry Potter themed hotel, including offering a walking tour of central London to see many iconic filming locations from the movies and a trip to the famous Warner Brothers Studio tour. The property, which is over 160 years old, seemed a natural transition to Hogwarts.
Alice in Wonderland

Daily Mail

Daily Mail
Another fantastic example of a themed home comes in the form of actress Kristen Stewart’s former living space, a gorgeous Hollywood property that draws inspiration from Lewis Carroll’s iconic text. Complete with massive chess board and sculpted quotes and characters from the novel, the house boasts complete commitment to the theme. A lot easier when you’re Hollywood wealthy!
by Brian Wilson