Many of us have great business ideas but are too afraid to take the plunge in running our own business. There are only few things you need when running a business from home – as well as lots of time and even more energy.
Be Organised
In any business venture you will have to be organised if you want to be successful. It’s a good idea to keep records of everything for your client’s sake and for yours. If you have good record keeping skills you can keep track of payments and your businesses budget. Organisation is a necessity when working from home as you can get easily distracted and being your own boss, you are responsible for any lack of productivity. Plans will be your life line when you’re running a business, so always make sure you have an organised plan of all daily tasks so you stick to them.
Your Home Office
When you work from home it can be difficult to separate home life and the life of your business, but it’s something you must do. It’s important to create a room specifically designed to be your office so you can close the door and forget about it at the end of your working day. To separate your home and business you will need to invest in an office where you can keep your desktop system, desk, and telephone system so your business can be separate from your home. Always be sure to call clients and keep them up-to-date through phone calls instead of just e-mail. To keep costs down when collecting supplies for your office, look to buy second hand office equipment like telephone systems. When searching for the best telephone systems it is always worth searching around before making a final decision as it could save you a large sum of money.
Growth & Expansion
Utilise modern technology and the power of social media. Social media can help you stay in touch with customers as well as reach out to other local businesses that might be able to help. As your business starts to grow you can easily gain support through social media.
To keep costs downs when you don’t need an office space just yet, you can always look to freelance workers to tackle time consuming tasks that have to be done. There will come a time in any successful business to re-think your business plan. You may have to think if it’s still suitable for your business to be run from home. But if you’re still reluctant to open an office space, your business can always have a virtual presence and you and your few employees can work from home.
Running a business from home doesn’t work for everyone, and you should definitely have a serious think about if your personality is suited to the lack of formal structure that working from home brings. You will have to be disciplined and exceptionally organised to avoid the pitfalls of procrastination and distraction, but if you put in the effort and stick to your own rules you can run an efficient and successful business all from the comfort of your home office.