As the cost of rent continues to rise across the country, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a place to rent at a reasonable price. The task of finding an apartment is made even more difficult if you’re a student and renting out a house for the first time, since lack of experience may cause you to overlook important considerations when making a decision. However, knowing what to look for when renting an apartment can help you maximize the value of your money. Knowing which questions to ask when renting an apartment can also help you steer clear of terrible apartments. In this post, we provide some tips for students renting their first apartment.
Tip 1: Location
If you plan to live off-campus, it will be much better if your apartment is very near your school, since this will save you the trouble of commuting everyday. However, it’s possible that the rent may be higher if an apartment is near your school. That said, consider the possibility that the money you save by not having to pay for gas or public transport may more than make up for the extra buck you will pay for an accessible apartment. Checking out college student apartments is a good starting point since these tend to be located near the campus.
Tip 2: Safety
Another crucial consideration is safety. When looking at an apartment, check for signs that it is safe. These include secure entrances and exits, adequate lighting, working locks, lockable windows, and security guards among others. As for the neighbourhood, you can check for safety by looking into the local crime rate and by observing the neighborhood itself. Try walking around the neighborhood to get a feel of how safe the streets are.
Tip 3: General Condition
Wanting lower rent rates doesn’t have to mean settling for a crummy apartment. This is why you still have to look at the general condition of the apartment you’re considering renting. For instance, check if the faucets have no leaks, if light switches are functioning, if the paint is not peeling off the walls or ceilings, if the bathroom is clean and free of mold, and if the grounds are clean and well-maintained among others. Oftentimes, these are signs of how well the apartment is maintained.
Tip 4: Consider Having a Roommate
As the cost of rent for college students continues to rise, many are actively searching for ways on how to pay for an apartment while in college. Fortunately, one of the best college apartment ideas is also the most common one: having a roommate. By having a roommate, you effectively bring down your rent expense. For instance, having one roommate can automatically slash your rent by half, and having two or more roommates means that you’ll be paying smaller shares for the rent. However, if you decide to bring in roommates, it will be far better if they are your friends, since this will help you get along better with them than with someone you don’t really know that well.
Tip 5: Prepare Your Security Deposit
Hunting for a great apartment usually takes time, but there’s also the possibility that you come across one that meets your expectations in no time at all. Given this possibility, it will be far better if you have your security deposit ready. This way, you can make the payment once it’s required and avoid losing the apartment to someone else. Also, remember that due to your lack of credit score and income, the landlord or landlady will likely require a co-signer for the contract. A co-signer is someone with a better credit score and capacity to assume the responsibility of paying should you be unable to do so. In this case, the co-signer can be your parents. Securing you co-signer early on will help smoothen transactions.
Tip 6: Read the Contract
Before you sign the contract, make sure that you have read and understand its contents. Contracts can be quite confusing, especially if written in a more technical language. Understanding the contract will help you avoid signing up for unfavourable conditions that may put you in a disadvantageous position.
Tip 7: Talk to Other Tenants
You won’t be able to ask your landlord everything while looking at an apartment, and chances are your landlord will also not tell you some details that could discourage you from signing the lease. To get more insight, try asking the other tenants how it’s like to live in the apartment and neighborhood. Ask questions about safety and security, about maintenance, about accessibility to establishments, and about utilities such as electricity, water supply, and gas. Gathering the opinion of other tenants will give you a clearer picture of how it is to live in the apartment.
Not everyone knows how to get an apartment at 18, and this is why it’s important to know these apartment rent tips. Just like looking for a service from which you can buy custom essay, you need to be thorough when choosing an apartment. As the price of rent continues to soar, you need to be able to make the most out of your money. By following these tips for students on renting their first apartment, you can avoid renting a terrible apartment or signing on a lease with unfavorable conditions.