Top 10 Cool and Kooky Bed-Spreads

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Besides the soft and snuggly sheets with the classical flower, or abstract patterns that go with the bedroom theme or colours, here are some fun bed spreads to snuggle up in:


 10. Going Wild in Bed




The 3D trend on screen has moved to the bedroom…no pun intended. Wildlife 3D prints such as these are available on Ebay and are becoming increasingly popular. Besides being just a photographic print on cloth, some bedspread prints have been created to appear almost life-like! Getting wild in bed has never been easier!



9. Snugglin’ a Gadget

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Let’s admit it, besides being glued to our gadgets most of the time, we have the habit of setting our phone, Nintendo or laptop next to our pillows when we fall asleep. So here is a new techno takeover, one can now snuggle into a super-size gadget and snooze into the growing technocratic world of the 21st century. The only time when you don’t have to worry about cracking the screen by accidentally putting your weight on it.



8. Rhythmic Slumber


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Whether you are a DJ or a passionate piano player, it can’t be that corny to adorn your bed with your passion or work. Music aficionados can now enjoy a little slumber in these musical themed sheets and dream up a new melody or wake up with a favourite song stuck in their head.



7. Sporting a Nap 



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Hard-core sport fans would love these bedspreads, be it girl or boy. Who wouldn’t want to dream of making a dunk, hitting a sixer or home-run, or making a touchdown in the nick of time. With these bed-spreads you’ll wake up ready to break a sweat.



6. Playing Detective in Bed

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Playing detective couldn’t be more comfortable than this. Watching CSI till the early hours of the morning, or need inspiration for a new crime novel? Need a reason to sleep soundly? Or an excuse to give your partner if you fell asleep while they were talking? The answer to all of the above is that you were playing dead, the crime scene print couldn’t be more instigative.



5. Color-in Your Bedding


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Designed to look like a giant piece of paper, this duvet comes with printed lines and binder holes, replicating a notepad. The spread comes with 8 wash-out colour pens for kids (or even adults) to scribble and draw on. Forgot something and can’t find a pen to write it down? Look no further than your own sheets. Worry not, the colours washout at 40C.



4. Foodie Siesta



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This is for all those foodies out there! What could be more fun than sleeping in your own life-size bed in the shape of your favourite food, be it a sandwich, pizza or even a chocolate bar – to guarantee you sweet or mouth-watering dreams. The only down-side is that you can’t eat the sheets for breakfast.



3. Dreaming a Profession for Kids


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Encouraging your kid to dream big and plan ahead, why not ask them to sleep on it? Kids can now sleep-walk into their dream profession. Be it a pretty princess, fire fighter, astronaut or rock-star, they are going to be sleeping with a smile on their face dreamin’ it up.



2. Fancy Reading a bed?


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Whether it’s kids or adults, we can all enjoy a good bedtime story every once in a while. Bored of holding your book in hand? Why not read off the very duvet covering you! Kids too active before falling asleep or too distracted to hear a story? Why not ask them to turn their supersize storybook duvet into their bedtime fairy-tale. 



1. Game Time Snooze


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This was chosen as the number one for hitting two birds with one pillow. Be it for kids, couples or families, a little game before going to bed is always a nice way to laugh your way to a good night’s rest. A game of Twister, pretending to be a race-car driver or even Monopoly, is a good functional way of bridging those neurons in the brain before later putting it to a rest.



Varsha Venugopalan



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