A toothbrush holder is essential in any civilised bathroom. There is nothing more important than impeccable tooth hygiene to protect from tartar build-up and eroding enamel. Keeping your toothbrush head from contact with other, unclean surfaces is mandatory to a good brushing regime. Many people are under the false impression that a kitchen mug will suffice. This is not the case, finally there are many reputable designers that produce a fit-for-purpose brush holder to do this job with hygiene in mind. Below is a detailed guide to the top 5 toothbrush holders available at a reasonable price currently on the market.
1. This glass holder incorporates ergonomic design with an easy clean surface to protect your brush and mouth from gum disease. If you are looking to purchase this design orientated holder, it would be sensible to also buy glass cleaner to stop watermarking.

Image Source: http://www.contemporist.com/2010/01/28/glass-toothbrush-holders-by-brad-turner/
2. At the lower end of the market this £1.50 beauty is an easy clean, easy use holder which clasps the top end of your brush, cradling delicately yet safely. If you are on a budget you will not find better.
Image Source: http://www.tesco.com/direct/home/toothbrush-holders/cat15590020.cat#prevTile=pt-442-2917_442-2917
3. This John Lewis toothbrush holder amalgamates style, and function. Like the Saudi Arabian city, the medina protects its inhabitants and allows them to move in and out freely. For just over £10 you can have a bathroom unit that stands out. Also because you’re shopping at John Lewis you know that the profits get reinvested and spread among the staff.
Image Source: http://www.johnlewis.com/john-lewis-medina-toothbrush-holder/p1751455
4. A work of art within this industry. The Pigeon and Poodle’s rectangular design complements most bathrooms with an eclectic feel that screams vision. Fortunately, veering from the name, the Pigeon and Poodle does not encompass its animal namesakes and sticks steadfast to an enrapturing marble fascia. With a hefty price tag, why not splash out on a bathroom ornament fit for a millionaire.

Image source: https://www.amara.com/search?q=toothbrush+holder
5. Finally, comes our fifth and final instalment. The Zodiac will have you shooting for the stars. A cracked crystal tumbler gives the user peace of mind that this piece is clean and compatible with their bathroom. Adept for any sink placement or bathroom shelf, the Zodiac is the cream of the crop with a price to match. The solid brass base ensures that the holder stays stationary whilst the user removes or inserts their brush.
Image Source: http://luxury.harrods.com/search?w=toothbrush&view=p
So there you have it! The top 5 toothbrush holder designs to adorn your sink, bathroom cupboard or countertop.
by Tom Samuel