Anything mechanical has the potential to break and cease to function. After a certain amount of time, it becomes inevitable that mechanical pieces will need maintenance and repairs. Garage doors are no different in this respect. They have moving parts and various pieces that all have to work together to keep it functioning. If even one piece becomes damaged in any way, the door will be unable to move and work correctly. When it first becomes obvious that there is a problem, it is common to think that it is a fluke. The first reaction is generally to try again. On the small chance that it really is a glitch of some sort, this will work. On the other hand, if it is a larger problem which is the most likely case, repeatedly trying to make the door work will potentially make the problem worse. After determining that there is a problem with the basic function of the garage door, a person is faced with two possible courses of action. The first is to examine and attempt to fix the mechanism yourself. The second is to call on the services of a professional. Here, you will find information about different things that can go wrong with a garage door and how to handle each situation.
The first step is always to examine the various parts of the door to determine if there is a visible issue. To do this effectively, you will need a flashlight, a ladder, gloves, and the help of an extra person. First, change into old clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. This is because, not only do garages tend to gather infinite dust, garage doors have oil and gather debris. Next, find a friend to help you out by holding the ladder. It is possible to climb a ladder alone, but it is not safe. If it is only a small step-ladder, it is safe to use alone; however, anything larger should always have two people. At this point, you will need to gather a few items; this includes a strong flashlight, a cloth, and a level. Once you have everything that you need, quickly scan the door frame and determine where exactly the door is stuck. If the door is fully opened or fully closed, this will be easy, but if it is partially open, it will be more difficult. Once you have located the exact area where the jam occurred, it will be easier to determine the problem. If the door still moves but rattles or goes slowly, you will have to inspect the entire track system. This is the point where you will need to utilize the flashlight. Regardless of how much light you have in your garage, it all comes down to angle. To be able to fully see and inspect every area and angle, you will need to use a flashlight.
Once you have fully inspected the track, you will have at least an idea of the problem. If there is obviously debris stuck in the track or pulley system that can safely be removed, do so. If the problem is not easily discernible or seems to be something beyond your capability to fix, you will need to contact a professional. If the door is stuck in an open or partially open position, you should contact someone sooner rather than later. The next sections will be dedicated to common garage door problems and how to fix them, but first here are some tips to find an excellent professional if you decide that you need one. First, you need to sit down with your favorite internet accessible device and a notebook and pen. Then, make a list of important factors such as how close they are to you and the budget that set for the project. If you have not already decided on a budget, now is the time to do so. Create both a minimum and a maximum amount. Setting a minimum is often overlooked because most people feel that the only important aspect as far as price goes is not overspending. While this is incredibly important it is equally important to decide on a minimum amount. There are two primary reasons for this rule. The first is that it protects against hiring someone who uses sub-par materials and does shoddy work. Of course, it is important to give professionals that are new a chance, you do not want to mistake a newbie for someone who charges low rates so that they can slop the work together. After you have your list, search the internet for local companies that handle the job. If you are looking for the best of the best, contact Garage Doors Repair Wizard – top garage door company.
Now, on to the common problem. One of the most common problems is a clog created by built-up dirt, grease, and debris. Because the track system is constantly being exposed to the elements, all manner of dirt, leaves, grass, and plant particles gather in the track. When this happens, it creates a blockage that keeps the door from being able to move properly. If this is your problem, a good scrubbing and subsequent lubrication will do the trick. The next common problem is a dent, bend, crinkle, or warping of the track. This is also quite easy to fix. You will need a rubber mallet or a regular hammer and a block or wood. Use the mallet to straighten out any bent areas to allow the pulley to move freely through the track. If you are using a regular hammer, lay the block of wood along the bent area and strike the wood with the hammer instead of the metal itself. If you do not use the wooden block, you will create additional warps and dings. The block evenly distributes the blow of the hammer instead of concentrating where the rounded head of the hammer hits. If none of these is your problem, look to the springs. If you have a multi-spring system, you may be able to replace damaged springs yourself; however, if you have a single spring system, you will most assuredly need a professional. This is because the spring is under so much pressure that it could fly off and injure you. If you still haven’t found the problem, have a professional look at it as soon as possible.