Never before have house-hunters been so excited when viewing a property that they have literally danced on the ceiling! Yet somehow, that seems to be exactly what has happened in this photograph.
image source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2780951/Living-topsy-turvy-world-Gravity-defying-Russian-home-dining-room-table-vase-flowers-hung-ceiling.html
This topsy-turvy house in Volograd, Russia, is unfortunately not for sale and is in fact a rather popular tourist attraction. The organisers who came up with the idea and built it from scratch, have used clever optical illusions to make it look like the entire house has been turned upside down. Visitors can be seen reaching for a glass, suspended above the dining room table, or taking a peek in the fridge while hanging upside down.
image source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2780951/Living-topsy-turvy-world-Gravity-defying-Russian-home-dining-room-table-vase-flowers-hung-ceiling.html
Oddly enough this is not the first topsy-turvy house to capture the imagination of the Russian people, as another one opened earlier this year at the All Russia Exhibition in Moscow.
image source: image source:http://rt.com/news/upside-down-house-attraction-706/
The lengths the organisers have gone to are really quite impressive and it is their attention to detail really makes the illusion believable. The interior decoration has been perfectly replicated to make the home as convincing as possible.
image source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2780951/Living-topsy-turvy-world-Gravity-defying-Russian-home-dining-room-table-vase-flowers-hung-ceiling.html
Each perfectly placed cup or plate adds to the overall magic and allows visitors to get lost in this gravity-defying world. The organisers have hired a photographer to take photos of the visitors, which are then flipped upside down so that people can prove to their friends back home that they really were dancing on the ceiling!
image source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2780951/Living-topsy-turvy-world-Gravity-defying-Russian-home-dining-room-table-vase-flowers-hung-ceiling.html
Franki Chaffin-Edwards