Protecting your assets is an important step in creating a personal financial plan and the right insurance policies will go a long way in helping you protect your belongings and keep your earnings and possessions safe. Knowing which policies are most beneficial for you and your possessions could be extremely beneficial in making your money go a long way in securing your assets against the losses that happen as a result of unfortunate circumstances. The following types of insurance should be helpful in guiding you to choose the best type of protection for your budget and lifestyle needs.
Life Insurance
Life insurance protects the people that are financially dependent on you. If your parents, spouse, children or other loved ones would be liable to face financial hardship if you passed away, life insurance should be high on your list of priorities to arrange. If you consider how much you earn a year and the number of years you plan to stay in employment, the right life insurance policy will replace that income in the event of your death. Although unpleasant to think of, the cost of funerals and buries are often as expensive as they are unexpected. Life insurance will certainly help in terms of lessening the financial strain put on those you leave behind.
Gap Insurance
As your car is one of the most expensive possessions you are likely to ever own, insuring it is a smart idea. If your car is written off or stolen, your insurer will pay you out its worth at the time of it being taken away and the amount is likely to be far less than what you paid for it, even if it was brand new. The ‘gap’ between the amount your insurer pays you and the amount you originally paid is often lost and this is where GAP protection can come in handy. Buy gap insurance if you have a new car as it will cover the difference between the amount you paid for your car and the amount of the insurance company would give you if it was stolen or written off.
Health Insurance
While we often insure our cars and homes without a second thought, few of us consider taking out health insurance. The NHS in the UK is designed to allow access to free medical care regardless of your ability to pay, but bear in mind the advantages that come as a result of paying for private health insurance. Shorter waiting times, better facilities and quicker diagnosis are all great reasons to consider health insurance.
Imagine losing your entire home in the event of a fire, storm, flooding or other unfortunate event. Home insurance at the most basic level should be put in place to protect you from having to deal with the financial burdens you will face as a result of damage to your house. A comprehensive householders package policy also insure the contents of your house against burglary, damage and mechanical or electrical breakdown.